TikToker Watches Birkirkara VS Hamrun In Europe Challenge

TikToker Watches Birkirkara VS Hamrun In Europe Challenge
Dec 28 2023 Share

TikToker Jamie Lomax is currently tying to watch every football team across Europe, and for his 46th episode of the series, he headed to Malta to watch a game between Hamrun Spartans and Birkirkara. 

Lomax details his trip, outlining what flights he took, where he stayed, catching the bus to the Ta’ Qali National Stadium and then sitting down to watch the match.

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He discovered that if he bought a ticket for the first match online, he could stay there and watch the second match for free, spending €5 for two matches. 

Describing the Hamrun fans as possibly ‘the best fans in all of Malta’, he got to lift up a massive banner with the supporters. He was also pleasantly surprised to experience the live marching bands at the match and see supporters throw water bottles at the opposing team fans.


Francesca Rausi Brings Coconut Balls To Dar Bjorn

Francesca Rausi Brings Coconut Balls To Dar Bjorn
Dec 28 2023 Share

The adorable Francesca Rausi spread some Christmas joy at Dar Bjorn by sharing some homemade coconut balls with the patients living at the home.


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A post shared by Bjorn Formosa (@bjornformosa)

Francesca took to the home for ALS patients and served the sweet goodies to all staying there, who thanked Rausi for her kind gesture. 

Maria Formosa too did not pass an opportunity to meet Francesca and share a sweet with her. What a wonderful gesture!


Escaped Horse Runs In Marsa Towards Traffic

Escaped Horse Runs In Marsa Towards Traffic
Dec 28 2023 Share

TA video shared by TVM News shows an escaped horse running in Triq 13 ta’ Diċembru towards oncoming traffic. 

It is unclear who the horse belongs to, with police telling TVM News that the horse escaped at around 8:15am. 


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A post shared by Malta Daily (@maltadaily.mt)

Police also informed TVM that the owner managed to stop and catch the horse in the Raħal Ġdid area. 

The horse reportedly hit at least one car, but thankfully, no one was hurt in the incident. 


Source: TVM News

Students Meet Minister To Have Their Say On Environment

Students Meet Minister To Have Their Say On Environment
Dec 28 2023 Share

Students from nine different schools gathered at Buskett to discuss their ideas for a better environment with Environment Minister Miriam Dalli and the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA).

The activity followed similar ones held last year, in which Minister Dalli and schoolchildren agreed to continue meeting every year to discuss new proposals and assess progress on several green initiatives.

The children talked about different topics, including urban greening, sustainable transport, access to natural sites, groundwater, marine litter, climate change, waste management and energy efficiency. Among different ideas, they proposed organic farming on roofs, more family picnic areas, information campaigns on the impacts of littering, increased greenery in classrooms and adventure zones in parks, such as the recently opened obstacle course race (OCR) area at the San Klement Park.

Students from St Thomas More College Santa Lucija Secondary School, Sacred Heart College, St Ignatius College Qormi San Gorg Primary School, St Nicholas College Rabat Primary School and Dingli Secondary School, Maria Regina College Mosta Secondary School, St Margaret College Senglea Primary School, San Andrea School and St Benedict College Kirkop Secondary School participated in the event, which was hosted at Ambjent Malta’s new educational centre, within the grounds of the Buskett Woodlands.

Minister Miriam Dalli thanked the students for accepting ERA’s invitation to share their ideas on the environment.

“Last year we met and discussed many interesting ideas. ERA presented an update on how Malta is implementing many of them as part of our shared mission for a more sustainable future. I encourage children and youths to continue to come forward and join in the public debate about our environment. Your ideas are very important to us. All institutions must make sure to listen to what you have to say, as ERA is doing with these meetings. I look forward to meeting you again next year,” Miriam Dalli said.

ERA Chief Executive Officer Kevin Mercieca also emphasised the importance of listening to younger generations during the development of long-term plans and strategies which will address the future of the environment. “The views, opinions and proposals offered by children and youths give us food for thought in shaping a future which will be most fitting for their wellbeing and quality of life,” he said.

Following the discussion, Ambjent Malta guided the children to an educational walk at the Buskett Woodlands, where they also participated in a hands-on session on sustainable Christmas crafts. The event was also supported by Ekoskola, a Nature Trust – FEE Malta initiative across all schools in Malta and Gozo, to empower students to appreciate the environment and seek sustainable actions in their lives.

ERA Chairperson Vince Cassar and Ekoskola coordinator Paul Pace and other educators and officials also participated in this event.
