
Three Hills Kunserva Being Sold in Australia

Three Hills Kunserva Being Sold in Australia
Jun 6 2024 Share

In one the most recent clips from the series “L-Aħwa fl-Awstralja”, brothers Keith and Fabian shed light on the sale of an iconic Maltese product being sold across the pond in Australia.

In the clip, the Demicoli brothers meet shop owner ‘Pawlu’, who offers Magro Brothers’ Three Hills Kunserva at his store in Australia. “Guess what… this one we sell it more to the Australian… milli l-Maltin”, the shop owner shockingly says before being asked to confirm if he was serious by Keith.

Pawlu goes on to state that Australians buy the iconic Kunserva in packs of 6 and throw entire cans in their spaghetti.

For more Maltese-Aussie adventures, check out @lahwa_flawstralja every Wednesday at 20:40 on ONE 📺


Sandra Gauci Reads Online Hate Comments

Sandra Gauci Reads Online Hate Comments
Jun 6 2024 Share

ADPD Chairperson and MEP candidate Sandra Gauci recently posted a video on Instagram where she read mean online comments directed at her. The video was captioned, “Why women do not enter politics. Insults, harassment of all sorts. These are some of the insults I got during this campaign.”

In the video, Gauci explained that she typically avoids reading such comments because they are not constructive and often focus on her appearance or voice. Despite this, she showed a sense of humour about the situation, making light of the insults rather than taking them personally.

Gauci’s post aims to highlight the harassment that female politicians often face. By sharing her experiences, she hopes to shed light on the challenges women encounter in politics. Her reaction to the comments shows resilience and a commitment to push past the negativity as she continues her campaign for the European Parliament elections this Saturday.


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Golden Retriever Bruno Meets His Brothers for the First Time

Jun 6 2024 Share

In a heartwarming TikTok video that’s quickly gaining popularity, local golden retriever Bruno finally meets his brothers, Kobe and Max.

The video captures the joyous moment when the three dogs see each other for the first time. Their tails wag in joy and they appear absolutely delighted to be together. The wholesome video continues to show Bruno, Kobe, and Max running around, playing, and exploring their surroundings together.

This adorable reunion highlights the special bond between siblings, even among dogs, and has touched the hearts of many viewers on #MaltaTikTok.

When’s the last time you were this happy to see someone?


Lifeguards Save Young Woman From Drowning In Sliema

Jun 6 2024 Share

A 19-year-old German woman was rescued from a perilous situation at Fond Għadir in Sliema.

Two lifeguards from the Malta Red Cross were in the area and jumped in the waters to save the young woman from what could have become a much worse situation.

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The lifeguards kept the woman afloat until two RHIBs arrived at the scene, manned by members of the Civil Protection Department and members of Malta’s Armed Forces.
