Maltese facades will always hold a special place in our heart for their traditional appeal but one facade in particular has been wooing citizens far and wide for its absolutely gorgeous aesthetic.
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Posted by curated online gallery Malta Doors which is aimed at “documenting the colour and quirk of Malta’s doorways and entrances”, the iconic Maltese doorway awakes an immense sense of nostalgia in every passer-by.
Appreciative of the gorgeous work at hand, the post’s caption read; “I had been waiting to capture this door for the LONGEST time. The doors are generally covered with outdoor plastic curtains. BUT I recently saw works being done on the facade. I literally tracked the works across the weeks and at various times of day in order to bring out the intricate palette of colour at play!”
A Facebook user who used to live in the house also highlighted how it has frescoed walls, massive gardens and its very own chapel.
Is this iconic facade to your liking?