Nationalist MP and former PN leader Adrian Delia took to Facebook on Saturday morning to share a touching story and an exhibit of Malta’s kind-hearted nature.
Delia revealed that he was at a meeting with a client when he received a text message stating that an institution in Malta needed food and could not access it due to quarantine. Delia immediately messaged 3 of his friends and clients, with one of them replying immediately stating “even if I have to drop everything and go buy and cook myself.”
The Sister responsible for the institution was then notified that they were going to be sorted on food until December 14, with Delia highlighting that by the time he got home, the other two people he messaged got back to him wanting to help as well.
He concluded the heart-warming post by stating that “This is the real Malta, these are our Maltese brothers and sisters, let us all think of each other.”