This app is changing the restaurant game and here’s how

May 16 2022 Share
Experience is everything. We all know that one of the biggest turn-offs in a restaurant experience is waiting. Oftentimes, a bad experience results in negative reviews, that’s why the goal of every establishment should be to provide a positive experience with good food, good service and good atmosphere; and wamo is happy to help.
On the flip-side, this revolutionary app lets customers dictate when they order and when they pay, removing the annoyance of waiting altogether.
As modern technology continues to contribute to the restaurant experience, patrons are becoming more and more accustomed to fast service, digital menus and spot-on orders. That’s where wamo comes in; the digital financial service offers more convenience in ordering, with a QR code restaurant menu system by which you – the customer – do not have to touch menus that others have touched whilst also allowing them to order digitally without having to wait for a waiter.
The service includes added convenience when splitting the bill, the ability to re-order or add anything at any time and the possibility to send the QR to customers before they arrive, allowing them to order beforehand. When you’re done, just hit ‘Check Out’ and voila: you are presented with multiple online payment options which you and your fellow patrons can sort in absolutely no time.
But that’s not all – through these benefits, wamo attempts to build a community between patrons, establishments and the company itself, offering cashback, points or bonuses to consumers who use wamo contactless menus. So apart from saving time, you will also save money and support local businesses which also see a return on their investment.
So, in a nutshell: No POS device, no cards, no pending payments and no fuss – it’s a step into the future in the palm of your hands.
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Ukraine will host the Eurovision confirms President Zelenskyy

Ukraine will host the Eurovision confirms President Zelenskyy
May 15 2022 Share

Taking to social media, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy confirmed that the war-torn country will in fact hold the Eurovision, despite the Russian invasion. 

‘Our courage impresses the world our music conquers Europe. Next year Ukraine will host Eurovision!’ he said. 

‘For the third time in its history. And I believe – not for the last time.

We will make sure that one day the participants and guests of Eurovision hosted Ukrainian Mariupol.’ 

He said that, by then, Ukraine will be free, peaceful and restored. Zelenskyy went on to thank the Klaus Orchestra for the victory and all the people who voted for them. 

‘Sure, our winning chord in the battle with the enemy is not far away.

Glory to Ukraine!’

Demand for abortion pills doubled in Malta during COVID-19 pandemic

Demand for abortion pills doubled in Malta during COVID-19 pandemic
May 15 2022 Share

In data shared with MaltaToday, the demand for apportion pills doubled over the last two years due to travel restrictions implemented to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. 

Women on Web, an international online abortion service, provided the data to Doctors for Choice representatives in Malta. They revealed that over the last five years, 632 abortion pills were shipped to Malta. 

In just 2021, 248 pills were shipped to Malta, compared to 173 in 2020. The 10th district, consisting of Gzira, Bahar ic-Caghaq, Naxxar, Pembroke, St Julian’s and Paceville, had the highest number of purchases in 2021.

Professor Isabel Stabile said that the pandemic has most certainly shifted women’s options when it comes to abortion. Travelling to get an abortion wasn’t easy pre-pandemic […] For many women, the cost is insurmountable. The pandemic has only worsened this.’ 

This follows a 2020 alarm raised by UK-based charity Abortion Support Network which pointed to a surge in requests from Malta during the pandemic. However, the numbers are suspected to be much larger.

Prof. Stabile said that the data comes from only one provider, Women on Web. Others do no release their data, meaning that we cannot know how many women travel to other countries to get abortions. 


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Emma placed in 16th place in Eurovision semi-final

Emma placed in 16th place in Eurovision semi-final
May 15 2022 Share

According to newly released statistics and results, Malta’s Emma Muscat placed in 16th place during the second semi-final. 

Many Maltese were disappointed with the fact that the country’s ambassador did not qualify to the final round of the competition. According to the Eurovision’s official website, Malta placed in 16th place, just above Montenegro and Georgia, with the latter in last (18th) place. 

Emma’s ‘I Am What I Am’ received a total of 47 points, with 20 points coming from the tele-voting and 27 from the jury. 

Through tele-voting, Malta received 3 points each from Ireland, Estonia, Macedonia, and Azerbaijan. Serbia, Belgium and Sweden gave Malta 2 points, whereas Montenegro and Cyprus gave Emma 1 point. 

The winners of this year’s edition of the competition were Ukraine, despite their victory coming with mixed reactions as well as a unique challenge for the competition’s organising committee due to the ongoing Russian invasion. 
