Only two thirds of the fines issued by the Planning Authority over the past 10 years have been paid. The information was tabled in parliament, with figures published in reply to a parliamentary question by Nationalist MP Joseph Ellis. It shows how the PA issued over €18.2 million in fines for the development irregularities across Malta and Gozo over the past 10 years. Only €12.8 million of these fines were paid, with 2018 seeing the largest number of fines being issued ranking at €3.3 million.
This was up from €2.5 million in 2017, with 2015 and 2016 seeing the PA issuing €1.5 and €1.9 million in fines. The Malta Environment and Planning Authority overhauled its penalty system for illegal development in 2012, introducing daily fines starting from €2 going up to €50 per day.
2012 saw the lowest number of fines at €306,680, the subsequent two years saw a substantial increase at €363,470 and €672,449 respectively. Fines during the pandemic declined significantly when compared to previous years, with 2020 and 2021 registering €2.1 million and €2.2 million in fines.