The Valletta Waterfront is packing surprises, yummy food and a summer breeze

Aug 5 2021 Share

As slowly a sense of normality returns, one of Malta’s most iconic locations, Valletta Waterfront, is celebrating the return of mindful socialisation, following a recent facelift of the outdoor strolling promenade, with a varied entertainment programme. Experience the captivating Baroque facade of the gorgeous seafront with increased entertainment, delicious food and so much more in a location which truly offers something for everyone through every season.

The Promenade Alive

The Valletta Waterfront as we know it has taken new life in summer 2021, with street acts ranging from live music, fire-spinning, bubble animation, caricature artists, street magic and more on Wednesday and Thursday evenings throughout August.

Whether you are a local who frequents the area or a traveller looking for an iconic Maltese pit-stop or photo opportunity, the Waterfront is a must-visit destination.

Have you met Alfred with his equilibrium balancing tricks? ⭐ The Promenade Alive: Wednesdays and Thursdays from 7:30pm.📷 Anna Cassar Parnis

Posted by Valletta Waterfront on Thursday, 8 July 2021


Children’s Activities

While The Waterfront remains a hotspot for adults, children of various ages (and their parents) are still in for a fun and memorable experience on Saturday evenings and Sunday lunchtime as the promenade is visited by a number of roaming cartoon characters.

Make sure you snap a photo and watch the children fall in love at the sight of their favourite characters while you enjoy the relaxed atmosphere and breathtaking views.


Variety of Food

This destination’s 13 different food and beverage outlets ensure that whatever your preference in food and drink, you find something to excite and delight your palate.

From local to Mediterranean dishes, Asian foods, sushi, seafood, burgers and more mouthwatering delicacies, the dining options are endless and the whole squad is sorted for brunch, lunch, dinner or even a casual drink (or two) by the sea.


Views and History

Soak up the gorgeous views of downtown Valletta and Malta’s iconic Grand Harbour and bask in the historical greatness of one of the island’s most gorgeous locations.

A check point for mariners of the past has now also become a popular rendezvous point for young adults, families and tourists alike.

Picture This. Takeout for lunch from Wasabi sushi express restaurant Valletta waterfront📸 Hector Chaidez

Posted by Valletta Waterfront on Tuesday, 25 May 2021


Comfort & Convenience

Beyond a revamped outdoor area with an atmosphere which is unmatched, the Valletta Waterfront’s convenience is bar none as the flat rate parking remains within walking distance.

Find yourself a good spot and arrive at the newly revamped destination which intertwines the beauty of the old with the new, boasting both function and context by the water’s edge in Valletta.

Tag someone who needs to visit the Valletta Waterfront ASAP.


Canadian runner Andre De Grasse wins 200m Olympics race

Aug 5 2021 Share

The Canadian runner Andre De Grasse has won gold in the 200m race. This was quite the redemption for him, after he came 2nd in the 200m in the 2016 Olympics after rival Usain Bolt won gold. Andre also took part in the 100m race, where he won a bronze medal, coming behind Italian Marcell Jacobs and American Fred Kerley.

Andre is renowned as the best Canadian Olympian ever. He is the only Canadian ever to win 3 medals at one game, and has now won Canada’s first gold in track in 25 years. He also won the first Canadian Olympic gold in the 200m in 93 years. The Canadian has won medals in every Olympics he’s been in, something that not every athlete can boast about.


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Andre will be hoping that his win in the 200m will give him the motivation to help his teammates win the 4x100m relay. We wish him and his teammates the best of luck !


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Woman hits out at Malta Police Force for not helping with robbery

Woman hits out at Malta Police Force for not helping with robbery
Aug 5 2021 Share

After a woman by the name of Roxy Bonnici revealed that she was robbed, a post uploaded to Facebook revealed her discontent at the Malta Police Force for allegedly proving to be ineffective at helping her. A post was first uploaded by Jonathan Ebejer, stating that a woman stole Bonnici’s bag from Bahar ic-Caghaq, Tony’s and Sandro’s Kiosk. The items stolen included cards, a mobile phone, glasses and a valuable ring. The situation was allegedly worsened however by the way the police failed to help the woman. 

Bonnici stated how when the incident happened, police officers were already almost on sight as someone else had called to warn about the suspicious person who turned out to be the actual thief. The police told Bonnici to wait on the beach until they came to take a report. Due to someone telling them the thief was on foot, around 3 police cars circled the area repeatedly looking for said person. The police allegedly ignored requests by Bonnici to use the ‘find my mobile’ function to track it down.

The police responded by telling her that it cannot be tracked due to data protection, and that an IMEi number was needed. Bonnici could not access her IMEi number as she was locked out of her house. Jonathan Ebejer managed to get some information but by this time, the woman had switched off the phone. It also seemed to indicate that the woman was now driving. 

The woman was left alone with no help offered as to how enter her house or whether or not she needed a lift. Trying to contact the Naxxar police depot, she was met with a similar reaction, with police telling her that the investigation could not continue as the police  were off their shift. She ended her post by stating she was embarrassed by the force who supposedly protects the public. 


Photo Source: Roxy Bonnici FB, Jonathan Ebejer FB

In UK 11 people arrested over racist abuse to Euro 2020 players

Aug 5 2021 Share

This summer, England experienced their best football tournament since 1966. The three lions reached their first ever Euros final, beating rivals Germany on the way. Unfortunately for all English fans however, they lost their final after three young brave players missed their penalties.

After the final, these players were subject to racist abuse from many people, mostly online. The UK Football Policing  have received nearly 600 reports of racism, where 207 were judged as criminal. Of those 207, 34 came from British people. Up till now, 11 of those 34 people have rightfully been arrested for inciting racial hatred. Their sentence can reach up to two years in prison.


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The acts of many fans were condemned by many people, including England manager Gareth Southgate. These acts of racism resulted in many heartwarming stories for many players such as Arsenal gifting player Bukayo Saka a whole wall of supportive comments. Unfortunately the problem still persists, and with social media becoming more and more integral to our daily lives, the problem will only increase if not assessed quickly and effectively.


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