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The Tinder for baby names is growing in popularity

Feb 3 2023 Share

A new app called Kinder, dubbed as the “Tinder for baby names”, is helping expecting parents choose a name they both love without any disagreements.

This app works in a similar fashion to dating apps such as Tinder. 

The process involves swiping right or left on baby names, with a match being made when both parents swipe right on the same name.

Kinder offers a simple and fun way to compile a list of potential names, and has received positive reviews since its launch in 2018, with an average rating of 4.5 out of 5 on the Apple Store. Some users have expressed their satisfaction with the app and suggested adding features like the meaning and pronunciation of names for an even more convenient experience.

With Kinder, gone are the days of endless debates and arguments over baby names. With a few swipes, parents-to-be can now have a shorter and more enjoyable process of choosing a name for their little one.


Traffic police issued 79,107 fines during 2022

Feb 3 2023 Share

In response to a parliamentary question from opposition MP Ivan Bartolo in Parliament, Minister Bryon Camilleri disclosed that the traffic police issued 79,107 fines during the past year. 

This represents a decrease from the 87,637 given in 2021.

Of the 79,107 fines, 6,844 were challenged through a petition, with 2,667 being accepted and 3,703 being rejected.

2,795 were disputed in the Tribunal, with 2,205 being declared not guilty and 590 confirmed.


The start of the weekend will be mainly sunny and partly cloudy – Met Office

Feb 3 2023 Share

Highs of 16 degrees and lows of 9 degrees expected throughout the whole weekend.

Today is expected to bring mainly sunny weather, with clear skies and temperatures of 16 degrees.

Sunny weather is always a welcome change, especially after around two weeks of cloudy or rainy conditions. 

Temperatures are expected to reach lows of 9 degrees this evening and while a few clouds may appear in the late afternoon, they are expected to be scattered and not impact the overall sunny conditions.

Overall, Friday is shaping up to be a beautiful day.

Saturday’s weather is expected to be partly cloudy, with some periods of sun interspersed with cloud cover. While the clouds may obstruct the sun at times, they are expected to be scattered and not impact the overall conditions too greatly.

Temperatures are expected to reach highs of 16 degrees and lows of 9 degrees.

On the other hand Sunday’s weather is expected to be unsettled, with a possibility of showers throughout the day.

Temperatures are still expected to reach highs of 16 and lows of 9 degrees Celsius.




Photo Source: Joseph Galea

Soon enough Cervical Cancer Patients will not need to travel to London to get the necessary treatment

Feb 2 2023 Share

The implementation of ‘gynae-oncology brachytherapy’ will soon be carried out in Malta meaning that Cervical Cancer Patients will not need to travel to London to get the necessary treatment.  This will be possible with funds raised during the Nationwide Pink October-Movember Campaign 2022.

Chair of The Marigold Foundation and  Leader of the campaign Michelle Muscat said this during a press conference during which part of the funds collected were today donated to Cancer NGO’s and the rest used to bring to Malta this state of the art Canon Aplio diagnostic ultrasound system.

This equipment is instrumental in providing this service locally. Currently, brachytherapy is not carried out in Malta. All patients who need this treatment need to travel to London which provides its own challenges. The team at the Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre are currently working with the International Atomic Energy Agency to bring brachytherapy to Malta in the next few months so that our patients no longer need to travel to the U.K.

Dr. Kristelle  Von Brockdorff from SAMOC hospital said that the oncology team are looking forward to this new challenge which would also mean less stress and trauma for patients since they do not need to travel and less expenses incurred by the state, the Community chest fund and the patient himself.

As is customary, on the eve of World Cancer Day, the Pink October Movember Campaign Team presented the funds collected which this year totalled €75k.

Europa Donna Malta, Action for Breast Cancer, Hospice Malta, Puttinu Cares , Karl Vella Foundation, Smiling with Jerome Foundation and Movember Europe were all presented with donations.

Dr. Danika Marmara, Director of the Cancer Care Pathways Directorate stressed the importance of such educational campaigns making the public more aware and better supported and encouraged the continuation of these nationwide campaigns that are educating the public.

Muscat thanked  all the team players including the consultant oncologists, doctors, nurses, health care professionals, survivors, volunteers and sponsors whose tireless works and efforts make this campaign a success.  She praised the hard work of all the volunteers amongst them cancer survivors who throughout the months of October and November used their time and energy to advocate for this cause.

Muscat said that facing fear of checking oneself and being proactive in maintaining a healthy lifestyle should be maintained all year through and not just during the campaign months.
