Earlier today, Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne addressed a press conference revealing that Malta has registered its first two cases of the Omicron variant, whilst also reaching a record-high daily case number with 733… but what do we know about the Omicron variant?
While the heavily-mutated variant was declared ‘of concern’ by the World Health Organization, recent studies have shown that the Omicron COVID-19 variant has less severe consequences on people’s health.
Early results have shown that hospital treatment is required less when individuals contract the Omicron variant, as opposed to other variants, with a decrease of up to 70% on occasion. Despite this, concerns remain persistent because, despite Omicron having less severe consequences, high hospitalisation numbers may put pressure on national health care systems as infections continue to rise.
Earlier today, Chris Fearne and Superintendent for Public Health Prof. Charmaine Gauci announced a number of new measures with regards to the current COVID-19 situation in Malta. Amongst other measures, standing events will all be cancelled as of Monday with establishments to close at 1am while bars, band clubs and most other establishments will only be accessible upon presentation of a valid vaccine certificate.
What do you make of this situation?