
The Land Rovers Fest for charity has officially returned!

The Land Rovers Fest for charity has officially returned!
Feb 27 2023 Share

Land Rover Fest 2023 is officially back, ready to raise funds in aid of the St Jeanne Antide Foundation. 

The event is scheduled for the 29th and 30th of April 2023, and will be celebrating the Land Rover’s 7th anniversary. It will be held at the ASMK Race Track in Ta’ Qali and will be commemorating the 75 years of Land Rover between 1948 and 2023.

The foundation it will raise funds for is the  St Jeanne Antide Foundation (SJAF), which is a family- and community-focused not-for profit organisation committed to identifying and supporting in a holistic manner very vulnerable and poor families. It was set up by the Malta Province of the Sisters of Charity of St Jeanne Antide in collaboration with lay persons and is administered by a Governing Board with a Chief Executive Officer.

SJAF actively works in partnership with community-based organizations, as well as state entities and NGOs that are national in scope. It engages in outreach work as a means of identifying and supporting hard-to-reach vulnerable and poor families, assisting them as close as possible to where they live. 

Since its establishment, the Foundation has set up a number of core services. Being based in a local community, SJAF has naturally evolved into an organisation that is at the service of local communities neighbouring its headquarters. Its scope is local, national and international.


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Could a 4 day work week solve Malta’s traffic problems?

Could a 4 day work week solve Malta's traffic problems?
Feb 27 2023 Share

There might be yet another reason as to why Malta should consider adopting a 4 day working week – and it could do with solving the well-known traffic problems the island is known for. 

Simon Ursell and three other co-founders of environmental consultancy Tyler Grange in the UK decided to participate in the biggest ever four-day working week trial which took place from June to December 2022. 

The increase in productivity, by around 22%, was very much welcomed and reported earlier on. However, the company wanted to measure the impact the shorter workweek on the company’s carbon footprint. 

‘On average, we saw a 21% reduction in then number of miles travelled by car, explained Ursell. Employees used their additional days off offered the opportunity to reduce unnecessary travelling. 

“Although climate benefits are the most challenging thing to measure, we have a lot of research showing that over time, as countries reduce hours of work, their carbon emissions fall” explained Juliet Schor, an economist and sociologist at Boston College. 

‘A 10% reduction in hours is associated to an 8.6% fall in carbon footprint’, a study co-authored by Schor in 2012.

What does this have to do with Malta? Well, given the intense traffic jams which block off many roads as workers make their way to their respective work sites, a four day work week could limit a lot of travelling and open up more time for workers to find possibly community building activities on their time off.

When asked about the 4 day work week, finance minister Clyde Caruana had shut the idea down as he said that this would only be considered if the education levels of Malta improved considerably. 


Police safely escort man with crutches through Paceville crowds

Police safely escort man with crutches through Paceville crowds
Feb 27 2023 Share

Footage sent to this newsroom shows a couple of police officers escorting a man with crutches down Paceville’s stairs to ensure that he can get through the busy crowds which typically fill that side of the Entertainment Mecca. 


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The police can be seen making way through the crowd for the person, earning the praise for their service in helping the person with physical disabilities get to where he needed to go safely. 

Well done to these officers! 


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Alicia Bugeja Said first Maltese woman to give birth whilst Member of Cabinet

Alicia Bugeja Said first Maltese woman to give birth whilst Member of Cabinet
Feb 27 2023 Share
Alicia Bugeja Said, who is currently acting as Parliamentary Secretary for Fishing, Aquaculture and Animal Rights, has just become the first woman in Malta to give birth whilst being a Member of the Maltese Cabinet.
Bugeja Said took to Facebook to post an adorable photo of her finger being grasped by her newborn baby girl.

‘Today was the most beautiful day of our lives as a new family member joined us and made us parents’ wrote the Parliamentary Secretary on Sunday.
‘I wish to thank from the bottom of my heart the Mater Dei team for their work and dedication, as well as all of those who showed support during this voyage, especially my husband Malcolm’ she said.
‘It’s a girl’ she finished off her post saying. As Bugeja Said continues to recuperate, it bodes well to note that she kept attending to her duties until the very last few moments which her pregnancy allowed her. This showed Bugeja Said’s dedication to her work in government and should be very much applauded!
On behalf of MaltaDaily, we congratulate Alicia, Malcolm and all their loved ones for their new family member!