
The 4 Day Work Week: Origins and Impacts

The 4 Day Work Week: Origins and Impacts
Sep 10 2021 Share

The concept of a 4 day work week has grabbed the attention of many, with many workers and employers vouching for its alleged benefits. The concept of working 4 days a week is not a modern invention but actually dates back quite a bit. It is also not the only form of unconventional work schedules out there, putting into question the very necessity of the traditional 5-day 9-to-5. 

Economists globally from 1928 predicted a 15-hour workweek within the span of a century, whereas a Senate subcommittee in 1965 predicted a 14-hour workweek by 2000. Despite being praised for lessening burnout and raising inequality on the workplace, a four-day workweek has as of yet not taken hold on a large scale. 

Microsoft implemented a similar concept in Japan, leading to a 40% jump in productivity. With offices closed on Fridays in August and meetings limited, employees allegedly became more productive than the previous August. We can still go back to the 1920s and 30s, with legendary Henry Ford allegedly decreased workweeks from 60 to 40 hours. 

A 30-hour work week bill was nearly passed in 1933 as an alternative to unemployment during the Depression. The bill failed due to opponents calling it Communist, with hours increasing and averages hovering around 40 hours after the Depression. The overall movement for shorter hours started to dwindle. 

Environmentalists have also suggested that working less could be useful to reducing climate change. This is because workers would consume fewer resources during commutes. This was noted in Microsoft’s case wherein electricity use decreased by 25%. More movements in the 21st century, rethinking 9-to-5 5-day weeks received somewhat of a revival.

So why hasn’t the four-day work week taken hold across the board? Apart from having to be assessed on a case-by-case basis for all businesses, adapting to a new way of work after having already designed it around the traditional work week is no easy task. Shifts might also have to be extended throughout the day which might actually have a reverse effect and increase worker pressures on a daily basis. 

It also impacts holidays are taken. With employers having the freedom to set their own rules on holiday, switching to a four-day week and keeping the standard hours, employee holiday allowance won’t change. However, if hours are in fact reduced, the entire schedule has to be recalculated. 

The work week revolution is one among many other attempts to humanise workers on the work place. It goes hand in hand with other initiatives for Human Resources and other work place shake ups designed to make the employment experience, if not more enjoyable, at least more bearable. Like many things however, employers and businesses need to assess whether it is right for their work place as no one size fits all. 


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Clayton Bartolo’s St Paul’s Bay district set for complete regeneration

Clayton Bartolo’s St Paul’s Bay district set for complete regeneration
Sep 10 2021 Share

Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo has announced a regeneration for Malta’s largest town of St Paul’s Bay. Speaking at a press conference, the minister pointed out that the people have spoken and that government is responding. St Paul’s Bay falls under the 12th district, which Bartolo contests. A committee will be set up to focus on regenerating the locality and to consult with stakeholders before drafting a plan. 

Among the plans are improving security, reducing crime and improving traffic management as top priorities. Other issues include public transport, multiculturalism, parking, waste management, sports and public spaces. Key performance indicators will also be set up by the committee to ensure the plan is put into action. 

Alfred Grima, St Paul’s Bay mayor, welcomed the plan, but also highlighted the lack of investment and planning over the years for the locality. He said that ‘unfortunately, our locality has been sidelined for many years when it comes to capital investment to improve our infrastructure. Besides the Coast Road resurfacing of 2017 and private investment, pretty much nothing has happened.’ 

Grima welcome the announcement by Bartolo, who in turn said that the days of going and complaining about the state of St Paul’s Bay must come to an end. ‘We must seriously look at beautifying the town as it deserves’ said the Minister. 


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Castille quietly hangs Joseph Muscat portrait

Castille quietly hangs Joseph Muscat portrait
Sep 10 2021 Share

Despite having had no ceremony upon installation, the official portrait of Joseph Muscat was hung quietly at Auberge de Castille several months ago. The painting is the work of artist Patrick Dalli, but the Office of the Prime Minister never released it. It was discovered after journalists visited the cabinet on Friday for a meeting between Prime Minister Robert Abela and Libyan Prime Minister Abdulhamid Dbiebah. 

Following the reveal, the artist himself published images of the oil on canvas portrait of Malta’s former PM on his Facebook page. Dalli described him as ‘the Father of Modern Malta’ as the portrait hangs facing that of former Labour leader Dom Mintoff. 

In a very recent interview with Times of Malta, Muscat stated that he does not rule out a return to politics, saying that he has much more to do in the Maltese political landscape. 


Photo Source: Patrick Dalli FB

Iklin shooter allegedly defrauded of thousands by his victim

Iklin shooter allegedly defrauded of thousands by his victim
Sep 10 2021 Share

After news hit that a man had shot at another individual on Thursday, it was revealed that the assailant was defrauded of around €7,000 by the victim. Times of Malta newsroom was informed that Ryan Sultana, 24, had been on the hunt for the 55-year-old victim named Vincent, a well-known suspect for a long fraud case list. The fraudster, who goes by L-Orangjo, had defrauded Sultana of the money, which he gave him several months ago following a promise to get him a government apartment. 

The police were aware of L-Orangjo’s tactics to defraud people being as such, according to sources close to the aforementioned newsroom. Sultana allegedly saw the victim driving by in Triq il-Wied, Iklin, prompting him to unveil his weapon and attack. Sultana crashed his Toyota Tercel into Vincent’s Peugeot. Following a verbal altercation, Sultana grabbed a shotgun from inside his car and aimed at L-Orangjo whilst chasing him down the road. 

Only one of the three shots fired hit the victim, wounding him in the right shoulder. He was found several meters down the road from the crash with blood splatters seen on a wall close to the crash site. Rapid Intervention Unit officers allegedly arrived on the scene within seconds and arrested the aggressor. Despite offering an explanation to police, Sultana later refused to speak during an official interrogation. 

Sultana is expected to be charged with attempted murder lat on Friday or Saturday. Magistrate Nadine Lia is holding an inquiry. 


Photo Source: Times of Malta, Malta Police Force Communications

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