
Temperatures are still cold today; but they are slightly higher than yesterday

Feb 16 2021 Share

Yesterday was marked as the coldest day of the year so far, with temperatures nearing close to zero in certain areas of Malta.

Temperatures today, however, are slightly higher than they were yesterday. According to the Malta Internation Office Meteorological Office, temperatures today will range between 8 degrees Celcius and 13 degrees Celcius.

The weather is expected to be mostly sunny with some light to moderate winds.


As of next Saturday, you can taste the products of the renowned prison bakery

Feb 16 2021 Share

As of next Saturday and every weekend during Lent, the Maltese public can once again taste the popular bread of the Kordin prison bakery.

The bakery is famous for its ‘apostles ring-cakes’ which they make every year during Lent. They also make products such as Maltese bread and ring cakes.

The bakery was inaugurated 44 years ago and it is used to make bread for the inmates and staff while training inmates who want to learn a trade during their prison sentence. At present, 10 inmates work in the bakery daily.




Man grievously injured after falling off motorbike in Xemxija

Feb 16 2021 Share

A 21-year-old man from Paola was grievously injured yesterday evening in Xemxija after falling off his motorbike (SYM Symphony) while driving.

The accident took place at around 8 PM Monday evening at the Xemxija Olympic Garden.

Police investigations are still underway.


A series of severe measures to be taken on over 1,200 ‘illegal’ courier contracts

Feb 16 2021 Share

More than 1,200 non-EU nationals who work with popular food delivery platforms as couriers are employed on “illegal work contracts”.

The Cabinet has been informed that these documents must be revised. In the coming weeks, Malta’s Employment Agency will be included in order to ensure the redrafting of such contracts, otherwise, operators would be liable to fines.

Malta’s employment laws for Non-EU citizens (Third Country Nationals) state that they must be employed on a full-time basis. However, most courier or cab driver platform employ people on a part-time or self-employed nature.
