
Teenager shines in US Open and qualifies to Semi Finals

Sep 9 2021 Share

This US Open, tennis might have come across a star in the making in 18-year old Emma Raducanu. The 18-year old Brit has recently beat 11th seeded, Swiss Belinda Bencic to qualify to the semi finals. Belinda Bencic recently won gold in Tokyo in women’s singles. Emma will be the first tennis player to enter the tournament in the qualifier stage to play in a semi final.



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This is Emma’s second ever Grand Slam and her first one overseas. She has managed to skip Johanna Konta and Heather Watson during the tournament to become the highest ranked British female tennis player. She beat Belinda 6-3 and 6-4, not losing one set to the Swiss gold medallist.

She will now face Greek Maria Sakkari and hope for a good result to make her first ever Grand Slam final. In the other semi final there is another teenager vying for a final 2 spot – 19-year old Leylah Annie Fernandez who hails from Canada.


Youth Council propose a bidding system for car ownership in Malta

Youth Council propose a bidding system for car ownership in Malta
Sep 9 2021 Share

In their latest annual Pre-Budget Proposal for the upcoming 2022 Budget, the Maltese National Youth Council (KNZ) has proposed a quota system on the number of vehicles allowed to occupy Malta’s street at a given time. The proposal suggests implementing a system in which individuals ‘engage in a bidding process in order to purchase and make us of a vehicle for a limited number of years […]’. This model has been introduced in Singapore in relation to car ownership as a means to fight both traffic and environmental pollution. 

Singapore introduced a ‘Certificate of Entitlement’ which allows bidders to compete against one another for the right to use a vehicle over ten years. This model was brought up locally by Former Prime Minister Joseph Muscat around two years ago but instead opted against it, preferring to incentivise people to use public transport instead. Scotland has confirmed it will trial this concept, with other countries such as New Zealand and Japan having trialled something similar. 

THE KNZ brought up other proposals ahead of the Budget which target various other sectors, from education to health. Among the proposals, the council is proposing ‘walk-in clinics’ targeted at mental health, an introduction of a carbon tax, facilitation of affordable HIV treatments and medication, a considerable increase in wages of professional educators and even re-opening trade schools among others. 

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‘Why should kids still wear masks in class?’ asks PN candidate

‘Why should kids still wear masks in class?’ asks PN candidate
Sep 9 2021 Share

PN candidate and teacher Justin Schembri has expressed skepticism over the health protocol which has students wearing masks in classrooms. He brought up the question as he pointed out that children will already be adequately distanced from each other. Schembri stated that despite welcoming the protocols which are gradually introducing a sense of normality, he is of the opinion that this particular protocol does not add up.

This is considering that several establishments such as restaurants bring groups of 6 people not necessarily from the same family/bubble together at a table. He expressed how he believed that mask usage in classrooms could be reduced given that distance is maintained. Other countries have embraced this protocol, with the UK not recommending masks at all. Despite his questioning, Schembri stated that health authority recommendations should be given absolute importance and followed. 


Photo Source: Ellwood City Ledger, Justin Schembri FB

These are the world’s ten best cities in 2021

These are the world’s ten best cities in 2021
Sep 9 2021 Share

According to international media brand Time Out, world-famous San Francisco has been crowned the ‘world’s best’ city to visit in 2021. Surveying around 27,000 global city dwellers to narrow down the top 10 list, Time Out considered everything from nightlife, cultural highlights, sense of community and even the way the COVID-19 pandemic was handled. Environmental initiatives, commitment to activism and overall friendliness were also examined. 

Time Out applauded San Francisco’s citizens for finding ways to support each other during strict shutdowns. The city’s transition to outdoor dining due to the pandemic is set to become permanent, with Time Out describing it as one big outdoor party. But San Francisco is just one location on this list as there remain 9 other global gems one can explore and be assured of having a delightful experience. 

Caroline McGinn, Time Out’s global editor in chief stated that ‘this year’s list of the best cities in the world shines a spotlight on cities that adapted during a time where the key factors that make these metropolises the place to be – fun, culture and socialising – were largely off the table.’ 

The cities concerned are Amsterdam, Netherlands in second place, Manchester, UK in third and Copenhagen, Denmark in fourth. Another USA city, New York follows suit at fifth place with Montreal, Canada coming in 6th. The list is rounded up by Prague in Czech Republic, Tel Aviv in Israel, Porto in Portugal and finally Tokyo, Japan. 
