
Teasing Summer: partly cloudy weather expected for this week

Mar 27 2023 Share

As beaches get prepped for our early summer swims and many of us get excited for those beach-dazed jams, the weather is taking its time to tease us with what’s in store.

This is because the forecasted weather for the week ahead is not exactly the summer atmosphere we are craving. 

We’ll have a couple of days of partly cloudy skies on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The weekend will then bring us the sunlight with a Saturday that feels like 21 degrees Celsius. 

All before Sunday brings back some cloudy skies. But this is a breath of fresh air given that the winter months always somehow managed to reserve the storms for the weekend. 

Temperatures are set to fluctuate all throughout the week, with lows of 17 degrees Celsius and highs of 21 degrees Celsius. The wind is set to be slightly stronger today, before it drops slightly as the week goes on.

Are you ready for summer? 


No major commotions except for brief argument, police confirm

No major commotions except for brief argument, police confirm
Mar 27 2023 Share

The video shows a small commotion that happened outside the National Stadium, yesterday, before the Match between Malta and Italy.


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This was only a small argument that was sorted in no time thanks to the excellent work of the Police outside the stadium.

A Police Spokesperson spoke to Malta Daily this morning, and confirmed that although Ta’ Qali saw more than 16,000 people, no major incidents were reported and everything worked out as planned.

We take this opportunity to thank everyone involved.


Realistic AI image of Pope Francis causes online stir

Realistic AI image of Pope Francis causes online stir
Mar 27 2023 Share

We all noticed Artificial Intelligence was making leaps and bounds in how accurately it portrays image. 

However, one of the latest images generated by AI has caused an online stir after many people seemingly fell for a portrait of Pope Francis donning a white puffer jacket and a crucifix. 

The picture instantly went viral, portraying the leader of the church donning the jacket and making his way with absolute style. 

Retweets and reshares of the image expressed how absolutely realistic it looked. ‘It’s crazy how realistic this looks’ said one. ‘Wtf? I actually thought this was real for so long’ said another. 

And while people were losing their minds over how realistic the image looks, AI experts raised a couple of concerns. 

Despite noting that some little inconsistencies give away the fact that the image was not real, like the hand holding the bottle, the AI experts highlighted how such glitches will soon be made extinct. 

However, the image of Pope Francis rocking such fire drip isn’t the real issue, according to these experts. For them, the problem is generating images of, say, the war in Ukraine or other disinformation. 

What do you make of this?


Malta Rangers call out garbage dumping in Naxxar

Malta Rangers call out garbage dumping in Naxxar
Mar 27 2023 Share

The Malta Ranger Unit called out 6 individuals who ‘decided to dump their garbage in a nearby shrub’ in Qalet Marku, Naxxar, rather than taking it home with them.

‘Leaving garbage behind is not ok. It defaces the area and also attracts rats which negatively effect wildlife such as nesting birds’ the page wrote. 

‘Our Rangers have been monitoring Qalet Marku (Naxxar) and it didn’t take long until the first case could be documented. 

The Rangers reported how the accused will be facing a fine of around €150-300 as per the law against abandonment, dumping and disposal of waste in streets and public spaces/areas. 

A police report will be filed by the ranger unit and evidence handed over to the Malta police Force. 

‘Keep Malta clean please. We will continue to do our part and report (and document) any illegalities under the environmental chapter (cap.549)’. 
