Tanker on its way to Anchor Bay as anchor has been cut

Tanker on its way to Anchor Bay as anchor has been cut
Mar 21 2022 Share

Tanker Chem P, which veered dangerously close to the coast of Bahar ic-Caghaq on Saturday, is now making its way to be anchored off Anchor Bay. 

Tvmnews.mt were informed that the tanker began moving towards the bay at 6am, assisted by two tugboats the Spinola and St Elmo. 

The tanker has a 20-member Indian crew on board and swept into Maltese waters early on Saturday morning because of the storm and gale force winds. 

As the wind calmed down to a Force 5 easterly wind, it was still possible to cut the anchor which was resting on the interconnected for the tanker to be towed. It is expected to arrive at Anchor Bay at 1pm today. 


Votes can be picked up from Naxxar or Rabat, Ghawdex today

Votes can be picked up from Naxxar or Rabat, Ghawdex today
Mar 21 2022 Share

Those who have not yet picked up their voting documents can now go to the Electoral Commission’s Naxxar complex or the Identity Card Office in Rabat, Ghawdex to pick them up personally. 

The vote can be picked up on:

  • Monday 21, Tuesday 22 and Wednesday 23rd March between 8am and 1pm and between 3pm and 9pm
  • Thursday 24th March from 8am to 1pm and from 3pm till midnight. 

For one to pick up their vote they need to present their identity card (no other document is valid). The document is necessary for one to vote on the 26th of March. 


Peppi Azzopardi raises concerns after his mother with dementia was taken to vote

Peppi Azzopardi raises concerns after his mother with dementia was taken to vote
Mar 21 2022 Share

Local TV host Peppi Azzopardi has raised concerns after he discovered his elderly mother who suffers with dementia was taken to a polling booth to vote during the early voting rounds. 

Posting to Facebook, the host said that his mother, who is a St Vincent de Paule patient suffered from dementia and could not even recognise her own son. 

He said that in every matter which concerns her, Peppi and the rest of his family are always informed about the tiniest of things. However, he revealed that she was taken out of her ward to vote without her family’s consent. 

‘How could have done this without us being informed? Can I know what’s going on?’ The post resulted in similar cases being revealed through comments, highlighting a problem of elderly patients who are entitled to a voting document being escorted out of their wards to put in their ballot. 

The electoral commission allows families to request the halting of an incapacitated relative’s involvement in the voting process and sign them off the electoral register. However, in cases where patients are still issued a voting document, hospital staff are obliged by the Commission to allow the patients their democratic right to vote. 

Voting documents are not held by patients but instead collected by the hospital a day earlier from the Commission. 

Azzopardi’s post was replied to by one SVDP staff member, who said that he was present in the hospital wards during the voting. He said that the staff there worked during previous general elections and know their job well. ‘There was no form of pressure on people to vote. But you cannot deny people their right to vote. Rest assured that she was in good hands.’

He also insisted that without a court application for her incapacitation, any patient would have had their voting document issued, giving them voting rights. However, a dementia sufferer would not have been allowed to vote anyway, he said. 


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Luke Chappell’s new song added to official Spotify playlist with 1 million followers

Luke Chappell’s new song added to official Spotify playlist with 1 million followers
Mar 21 2022 Share

Luke Chappell’s brand new song ‘A house is not a home’ kicked off it’s debut being added onto an official Spotify editorial playlist. 

Chappell’s new song was released around 8 days ago, and before we knew it the song was featured on an official Spotify playlist alongside some massive indie artists like BENEE, Glass Animals and Milky Chance.

The playlist boasts a whopping 1,681,643 likes, and Luke Chappell momentarily shared playlist space with a significant amount of internationally-established artists. 

It’s not that Luke Chappell isn’t an already beloved local artist with some international music attention to his name, but this latest achievement on the streaming giant will only boost the artist’s portfolio more.


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