
Swieqi Council Candidate To Plant 1 Tree For Each One Uprooted

Swieqi Council Candidate To Plant 1 Tree For Each One Uprooted
Nov 15 2023 Share

Jordan Galea Pace, a new Swieqi Local Council candidate, vowed to stick to his promise to plant a tree for each one chopped down by the Minister in St. Andrews. 

The hopeful candidate issued a post on social media, urging anyone who wishes to contribute to contact him and even donate a tree to be planted to make up for anyone lost. 


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This comes after the controversial case in Mosta which saw ficus trees in the square threatened to be uprooted and transplanted elsewhere before demonstrative actions by the likes of Moviment Graffitti forcing the local council to take a U-turn.


Five Things You Can Probably Do In Malta’s Traffic

Five Things You Can Probably Do In Malta's Traffic
Nov 15 2023 Share

While the rest of the world may see gridlock as a hindrance, we Maltese drivers have transformed it into an art form—a canvas for creativity and a stage for the extraordinary. In this tongue-in-cheek guide, we unveil the secrets of turning your car into a realm of endless possibilities. From honking symphonies that would make Beethoven jealous to catching up on your weekly entertainment binge, buckle up as we navigate the uncharted territory of Malta’s traffic with flair and a healthy dose of humour.

Conduct a Symphony of Horns: Start with a solo performance, honking along to your favourite tunes. Gradually escalate to a full orchestra by coordinating horn honks with fellow trapped motorists. Bonus points if you can create a traffic jam masterpiece worthy of a standing ovation. Who says traffic can’t be a musical adventure?

RUBS Review Rampage: Become the undisputed maestro of Maltese culinary critique! Start by crafting a succinct review of your last meal. Gradually escalate to full-fledged foodie dissertations, exploring the nuances of every ingredient and the delicate dance of flavors. By the time you escape the clutches of traffic, you’ll have a reputation as the Gordon Ramsay of the local “RUBS” Facebook page.

Host an In-Car Carnival: Step right up, ladies and gentlemen! Turn your car into a mobile carnival. Begin with a modest ring toss using your rearview mirror and progress to a full-blown roller coaster experience (read: navigating speed bumps at varying speeds). Prizes for participation include a sense of accomplishment and a slightly elevated heart rate.

Earn Your Virtual Degree: Start by learning a new word every traffic jam (today’s word: “floccinaucinihilipilification”). Gradually progress to acquiring a PhD in Astrophysics, because why not? By the time you escape the traffic, you’ll not only have moved forward three spaces on the game board but also be a certified expert in celestial matters.

Netflix and Gridlock: Embark on an epic binge-watching adventure without ever leaving your driver’s seat. Begin with a modest episode or two of “Stranger Things.” As the traffic inches forward, escalate to an entire season—or better yet, binge-watch multiple series. By the time you escape the bottleneck, you’ll not only be a traffic aficionado but a pop culture expert too.

What do you do to pass the time in traffic?


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Mosta Protest To Still Take Place Despite U-Turn

Mosta Protest To Still Take Place Despite U-Turn
Nov 15 2023 Share

Moviment Graffitti have announced that the protest in Mosta today at 1830hrs will still take place after the announcement that the ficus trees will be remaining and not transplanted.

In an official statement, the activist group said that this is a massive victory for the community which, once again, has shown that it can bring change when fighting against those who want to drive over it with a tractor. 

The protest will be celebrating the victory and insisting on the mayor taking up responsibility for the absurd decision. The group also called for reform when it comes to environmental authorities, saying that they ‘are clearly not carrying out their roles of caring for the local environment.’


They Will Stay: Mosta Mayor Takes U-Turn on Mosta Square Trees

They Will Stay: Mosta Mayor Takes U-Turn on Mosta Square Trees
Nov 15 2023 Share

It appears that a U-Turn has been taken on the Mosta square’s controversial ficus trees as village mayor Chris Grech has stated that they will not be uprooted and transplanted.

In a recent post on his own Facebook page, Grech stated that “The Mosta Square project was planned for the people and is being executed for the people. That is why I have no difficulty considering the people’s wishes that these ficus trees are incorporated in the project.”

“For this reason”, the mayor wrote, “I and my Labour Party councillor friends, who are in the majority, took note of the wish that the trees which are currently in Rotunda Square are not put anywhere else in Mosta but placed there.”

“This is an ambitious project which I and my colleagues entered into despite all of the obstacles we found and which will benefit the Mosta community. It is a project we planned for the community and for that reason, we will listen to the community.”
