One in five people in Malta believe women are partly to blame for sexual violence if they are drunk or high, a Eurobarometer survey has revealed. Disturbingly, 10% think women who turn down sexual advances are just “playing hard to get.”
The study, which involved 537 participants, also highlights scepticism about rape claims, with a third saying women often exaggerate or fabricate them. This places Malta second only to Bulgaria in this view.
Online, safety for women remains precarious. A quarter of respondents say women should expect sexist comments when sharing opinions on social media, while over half blame women for leaked nudes if they shared the photos with someone.
When it comes to domestic violence, most respondents disapprove of physical abuse, with 96% condemning occasional slapping and 90% opposing non-consensual sex in relationships. However, a third find it acceptable for a man to control his partner’s finances under some circumstances.
Encouragingly, nearly 90% reject catcalling or ogling, the highest in Europe. Yet, two-thirds acknowledge that domestic violence against women is common, while a third recognise it also affects men.
The findings expose both progress and persistent societal issues, offering a stark reminder of the need for greater awareness and action.