
Supermarkets world-wide removing Russian vodka brands over invasion

Supermarkets world-wide removing Russian vodka brands over invasion
Mar 4 2022 Share

Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, supermarkets have started to shelf off Russian vodka brands from sale as a sign of solidarity with the invaded country. Two UK supermarket chains have already removed two brands with immediate effect. Russian Standard vodka, which is distilled in St Petersburg, will no longer appear on shelves at Morrisons. 

Co-op too said its decision was taken in response to the ongoing conflict, saying that because the drink is overtly marketed as being Russian and produced there, the removal was warranted. A spokesperson said that in response to the invasion, it will not be stocked for the foreseeable future. ‘Our members and customers will also be able to support the humanitarian response to help those displaced by the conflict by donating at our stores to the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) appeal. 

With 2,600 stores receiving the appeal, the customer’s donations will be match funded up to £100,000. Other newsrooms are also reporting other European supermarket chains banning the vodka. Government-controlled alcohol monopolies in Finland and Sweden were the first to ban liquor sourced from the country on Monday, followed by authorities in Norway on Tuesday. This was followed by Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, which straight up banned all goods coming from Russia. 

Russian brands account for just 3% of all vodka consumption in Europe according to mark analysis firm IWSR. Brands such as Smirnoff are produced entirely outside of Russia. The ban is rather a symbolic move which will not have a major monetary impact on Russian vodka producers. 


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‘We need to improve Malta’s reputation’ say Nationalist Party

‘We need to improve Malta’s reputation’ say Nationalist Party
Mar 4 2022 Share

Speaking at a press conference, Opposition leader Bernard Grech and ex-contesting MP Claudio Grech highlighted the importance of improving Malta’s reputation. 

Claudio Grech began his speech by saying that Malta must work to improve its reputation. He said Malta should not do this as a superpower which could compete in massive economical markets. Nor should it do this just because of the grey-listing, corruption or governance issues. 

Claudio said that Malta should become known for its quality of living, for the value created on the island, the ability to welcome multiculturalism and to create a safe environment. 

Speaking just after, Opposition leader Bernard Grech said that Malta’s grey listing is a wound that those in government are not tending to. This is why, Grech said, the PN aimed towards a three month goal of exiting the grey list. He said that it is not enough to get out of the grey list as there will be work afterwards. 

He also said that if the people of Malta choose the Nationalist Party in this general election, they would be sending an international message that they want mature and clean politics. 


Kim Kardashian officially declared legally single in divorce from Ye

Kim Kardashian officially declared legally single in divorce from Ye
Mar 4 2022 Share

After nearly eight years of being married to Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, Kim Kardashian has been declared legally single. 

Following a virtual court hearing on Wednesday, the reality star has officially dropped ‘West’ from her last name. The divorce from the rapper was filed last year by Kardashian, making the request in December to become legally single. The former couple still has to resolve the division of property and custody of their four children. 

Wednesday’s ruling granted the model’s request for a bifurcated divorce, which means that divorce proceedings will be split up into two parts. The first settled her legal name and married status, with the second part addressing custody and financial assets. In several statements submitted since December, Kardashian said she very much desired the termination of her marriage. ‘I believe that the court terminating our marital status will help Kanye to accept that our marital relationship is over’ she said.

Ye himself, 44-years-old, fought the separation publicly but was not present for the hearing. Appealing for his ex-wife to return to the marriage, the rapper also constantly took jabs at her current fiancee Pete Davidson. This, Kardashian said, caused emotional distress. In fact, the rapper posted a video for his new song Eazy which apparently shows an animated version of Division being kidnapped and buried. Ye and Kardashian had kicked off relationship in 2012 and married just two years later.


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Man arrested after calling ex-wife 300 times over period of 13 days

Man arrested after calling ex-wife 300 times over period of 13 days
Mar 3 2022 Share

A 44-year-old man from Imtarfa has been arrested after pleading not guilty to accusations of harassment for calling his ex-wife 300 times over a period of 13 days.

The man was accused of harassment on his ex-wife multiple times, with the defense led by lawyer Patrick Valentino contesting the validity of the arrest.

Police Inspector Eman Heyman notified the Police of reports made by the woman who recently left home after ending her relationship with her ex-husband, who would repeatedly call her to meet for coffee. After agreeing to meet, the accused took the woman to a different place than discussed and started drinking alcohol, stating that she was taken to an isolated place where the man tried to make unwanted advances, to which the woman refused.

The woman also reported that the man would go to her workplace. It was revealed that the woman would receive treatment due to a drug addiction, stating that here problem was that the accused would not leave her alone. The court ruled that the man remain under arrest and that the names in the case would not be revealed.
