Students park in football field as University car park used for graduations

Students park in football field as University car park used for graduations
Nov 4 2021 Share

The University of Malta has issued a statement revealing that students will have an alternative space to park their cars as Car Park 6 is being used for graduation ceremonies – the football pitch area. A post on Facebook however criticized the decision, posting an image of the football pitch filled up with cars and captioned – ‘Came to run at the state of the art university track only to find it being used as a car park. Lets inhale some exhaust. Yes, lets promote sports’.

Newsroom Lovin Malta reported how the UM made temporary arrangements for students to park in the pitch area. ‘The problem has been addressed and there should not be any shortage of parking bays for the duration of the set-up, graduation ceremonies, and eventual dismantling of the marquee.’ They did however ask for people to ‘keep in mind that close to 800 guests will be attending each ceremony and it is impossible to accommodate all these guests at the Sir Temi Zammit Hall.’

‘Marquees are currently being set up in car park 6, to host the guests of graduates, as they will be watching a live stream of the ceremony of these tents’ the statement continued. Addressing concerns of bad weather, the statement assured everyone that the marquee will be closed on all sides and is weather resistant.’ The system was received with mixed responses, with some commending the university for finding an alternative for everyone but also criticisms for using a sports area for such events. What do you think?


Photo Source: Fabio Spiteri FB

Is this the Malta we love? – Facebook post reveals frustration

Is this the Malta we love? - Facebook post reveals frustration
Nov 4 2021 Share

A post uploaded to Facebook assessing the current state of Malta resulted in many commenting venting their frustration about what they deem to be the loss of what the island once was. A post uploaded by Alexa Mifsud rhetorically asked; ‘I genuinely wish to ask what is happening to our country’, pointing out several factors which were troubling her.

‘You look around you and all you see are ugly buildings, no matter where you are, whether in Bahrija or in the middle of Sliema. Traffic everywhere and at all times of day (just an hour to make it from Fgura to Rahal Gdid).’ She went on to highlight the massive spike in cost of living, despite pay remaining the same. ‘You need to spend the rest of your life paying a loan to buy an ugly flat (and to get a loan in of itself) – all you need to do is sell a kidney to a bank.

The post highlighted more concerns – corruption at the highest level, third country nationals everywhere, customer service which got even worse over the years and an end to Maltese culture. She ended the post asking, without bringing in politics, is this Malta we know? ‘Because for me – this isn’t it’ she said. The post was met by a whopping 1.5K likes and reacts (as of time of writing), with comments backing up the poster’s concerns.

Many exclaimed how they miss the Malta they once loved, despite there being no room for them here left. ‘The underdog continues to suffer as the top guys benefit’ said one. Another said that, despite totally agreeing, the cause for this is that everyone is out to acquire more and more, not taking into consideration the future of our youth and upcoming generations. ‘They violated Malta with every injustice, they wrecked all the work done by our forefathers and sold it off to foreigners’ another said.

What do you make of this?


Humid weather to make Malta feel like a steam bath

Humid weather to make Malta feel like a steam bath
Nov 4 2021 Share

We don’t know how you feel about such weather, but you better be prepared for cloudy skies and overnight humidity. According to the meteorological office at Malta International Airport, the upcoming weekend, starting tomorrow Friday 5th, will be characterized by sunlight deprived skies as clouds block away its beams. There is no forecast of rain as of yet, but the following week is set to kick off with showers.

Keep in mind however that no forecasts beyond 3 days will be completely reliable due to the weather concoction forming over the Mediterranean. According to Maltese Islands Weather Facebook page, the levels of humidity were at 100% all over the islands. The page warned that ‘our islands will continue to feel like a steam bath over the next couple of days.’ Very warm and gusty southerly wind overnight with airborne fine dust are also set to become more evident as the days go on. This also comes with a warning to drive carefully as roads will be extra slippery for these upcoming couple of days.


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Photo Source: Maltese Islands Weather FB

Watches, wines and filigree items on sale by Customs

Watches, wines and filigree items on sale by Customs
Nov 3 2021 Share

The Customs Department is organizing another sale by tender consisting of 103 lots. The sealed tenders for the tale quale purchase and removal involve the following:

  • 2 Lots of CORUM wrist watches
  • 14 Lots of Silver Filigree wrist watches
  • 87 Lots of wine and spirits.

They will be received by the Director General (Customs) at the Auctions Newport Bonded Stores, Marsa from Monday, 15th November, 2021, until Thursday, 18th November, 2021, from 08:00am till noon and 1:00pm till 4:00pm, and Friday, 19th November, 2021, from 08:00am till noon.

Viewing of lots, collection and submission of Tenders Forms and other information can be found from Auctions Section, Newport Bonded Stores, Marsa or by calling 21237209 during the same dates and times above.


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