Student teachers are being left frustrated as many of them are experiencing a last-minute decision by the Education Department to change their school placements, just a week before they were meant to kick off their practice. The Malta Independent reported that a total of 16 students are frustrated over the fact that their classes shifted at the last minute due to the Education Department trying to make up for the primary school teacher shortage. The newsroom stated that, in speaking with a number of students reading for their Masters in Teaching and Learning at the University of Malta, they are seeing the situation as treating them utterly unfairly.
Even though these student teachers need to prepare a whole host of content and material for their classes, they are being advised with just a week’s notice of this sudden change. Some of the affected Heads of Schools were not even aware of this change, the spokespersons alleged. Making reference to claims made by the Malta Union of Teachers (MUT), the spokespersons told the newsroom that, allegedly, peripatetic teachers in some schools were informed to keep teaching their peripatetic subjects as student-teachers will be taking on students who have no class teacher.
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