Malta’s Meteorological Office is issuing warnings of strong winds, set to increase to gale forces as the hours progress.
The warning is being issued up until 9pm of today, Friday 18th March, but it could be extended as necessary. With south-east to east winds hitting the island, the Gozo Channel wrote to Facebook for travellers to expect delays.
Fast Ferry services were postponed up until next Sunday. The X300 will be operating instead, which takes workers and students from Valletta and Imsida to Ċirkewwa.
Facebook page Aġġornament tat-Temp forecasted force 7 and 8 winds, with temperatures which reach a high of 16°C and a low of 10°C.
The weather page is also forecasting rainy weather for Saturday evening and on Sunday night. Winds will remain at a very strong force, with warnings extended to anyone venturing outside.