
Spotify wants to suggest music based on their listeners’ emotions

Jan 31 2021 Share

Streaming giant Spotify has filed a patent for technology which analyses listeners’ vocal patterns and suggests music based on their emotions.

The patent highlights how common it is for streaming programmes to utilise personalised recommendation features, going on to highlight how the app will collect data on the listeners feelings through voice recognition.

This could thus analyse the mood of the listener and suggest more accurate music based on vocal inflection, timbre, pitch and more, which will allow the app to understand gender, age, mood and accent.


Messi is ‘most expensive ever’ athlete after €555 million contract leak

Jan 31 2021 Share

33-year-old Argentine Lionel Messi has made a name for himself as one of the greatest players of all time, and his recently-leaked contract reveals that his earnings reflect that.

Spanish newspaper ‘El Mundo’ revealed access to Messi’s 2017 contract with Barcelona with income that could reach as much as €138 million per season, of which he would have to pay about half in Spanish taxes.

The newspaper stated that it was the most expensive athletic contract ever secured meaning that when his time at Barcelona comes to an end, only a club with deep pockets could afford to cater for his move.


Large gap between leaders as Robert Abela achieves highest trust ratings

Jan 31 2021 Share

In a recent study commissioned by ‘it-Torċa’, statistician Dr. Vincent Marmarà revealed that Robert Abela achieved the highest trust rating amongst the electorate.

52.7% of subjects stated that Abela is best to lead the country with 33.2% replying that the prefer Nationalist Party Leader Bernard Grech.

Dr. Marmarà explained that, like all other political studies, he utilised the Multiple Imputation Technique, which finds a logical and appropriate replacement for those who refused to reply or did not know, using a scientific model.

He went on to state that, through this scientific result, one can see a gap of 19.5% between both leaders.


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3 reasons why you should get your health check at Brown’s

Jan 31 2021 Share

Getting your health check often is something which should be ingrained into each of our lifestyles. Staying in good shape and checking ourselves to make sure that everything is in check is something which should become part of our regular routines.

This is why teamed up with Brown’s in order to raise more awareness about health checks. Here are our 3 reasons as to why you should get your health check at Brown’s;

1. Brown’s incorporates all of the main checks into one health check. So, you can rest easy as a health check at Brown’s is a promise of support on the path to a healthier life.



2. Regular health check-ups are important in order to avoid any unwanted surprises. You are never too young to start!

3. ‘Prevention is better than cure’

If you get checked often you might be able to avoid or better-control health problems that might arise in the future.


Book your next health check at Brown’s to make sure you tick all the boxes and make sure you’re taking care of yourself the way you should be!
