For his very first weekly show of ‘Game On’, local star Ben Camille interviews, and challenges, beloved newscaster Keith Demicoli about what role sport played in his life. In the 20 minute interview jam-packed with in depth conversations with Demicoli and fun challenges, the guest reveals how sport contributed to his becoming a newscaster. Keith speaks about how, despite it not being super obvious, his love for sport has helped him overcome challenges out in the world.
Keith tells the audience how sport showed him how life is a constant challenge which one must continuously strive to be better at. Practicing physical activity also helped Keith clear his mind when in moments under pressure and how to be able to learn and take criticism from those who have mastered the craft one wishes to succeed in. Keith was also presented golden opportunities because of sport, something which is reflective of the practice itself. And that’s not all, because you get to watch Demicoli and Ben Camille compete with a game of bottle-flip burpees!
Photo Source: Ben Camille FB