Speaker of the House Anġlu Farrugia today launched the Malta Employers Association (MEA) publication titled Adapting our Labour Market to an Ageing Population – Comprehensive Analysis and Strategic Framework. In his address, Farrugia highlighted that while an ageing population presents challenges, it also offers opportunities for innovation to ensure a sustainable future. He encouraged stakeholders to review the document and incorporate its recommendations.
Malcolm Paul Agius Galea, Parliamentary Secretary for Active Ageing, stressed that workplace adaptations should be based on medical evidence to support the physical and psychological health of older workers, emphasising the need for adequate rest and leisure time.
Shadow Minister for Active Ageing Paula Mifsud Bonnici called for an integrated policy framework to address both workplace conditions and support systems for older workers.
MEA President Joanne Bondin advocated for promoting silver employment, noting that older workers bring invaluable skills and reduce reliance on foreign labour.
Concluding the event, Speaker Farrugia described the ageing population as a valuable resource, offering examples from Europe where older workers have contributed significantly to economic and social well-being.