Calling out all the sleepy-heads, if you wanted more reason to snuggle in bed and get some shut eye, sleep could actually improve your heart health drastically.
The American Heart Association has added sleep duration to the cardiovascular health checklist, making it part of what it calls ‘Life’s Essential 8.’
As per the title, the questionnaire measures the eight key factors which impact heart health. Sleep duration made the list after researchers examined new scientific evidence over the past decade.
They found that sleep played an important role in heart health. The AHA’s chief medical officer, Dr Eduardo Sanchez, said that people who don’t get enough sleep have a higher chance of things like obesity, hypertension and diabetes.
Of course, it’s not just any sleep that does the trick. Getting between seven to nine hours of sleep each night is critical. Accompanied to this are making sure that the sleep is of the best quality as constantly waking up could lead to higher blood pressure.
Apart from sleep, the list identified diet, physical activity, exposure to nicotine, body mass index, blood lips, blood glucose and blood pressure as the crucial factors which contribute to heart health.