Researchers have created a predictive model exhibiting what hardcore gamers could look like in 20 years’ time and the results will shock you.
The ‘Future Gamer’ model, named ‘Michael’, was created by gambling platform as part of an in-depth study which sheds light on how gamers’ bodies could look like if they do not practice positive lifestyle habits.
Sleep deprivation, dehydration, lack of vitamin D and digital eye strain could lead to the physical issues portrayed in the study, some of which include an indented skull, bald patches, obesity, pale skin, finger blisters, swollen ankles, rounded shoulders and more.
The aforementioned issues may be caused by a number of gaming-related issues such as lack of vitamin D, air circulation and movement as well as stress, increased food intake and poor posture, amongst others.
The study highlighted how, according to Limelight “according to Limelight, the average gamer spends 6 hours each week playing online video games which is an increase of 19.3% in the last year.”
The World Health Organization distinguishes ‘gaming disorder’ with “impaired control over gaming, increasing priority given to gaming over other activities to the extent that gaming takes precedence over other interests and daily activities, and continuation or escalation of gaming despite the occurrence of negative consequences”.