Sexual offence amendments, bestiality laws & other major changes in law shakeup

Sexual offence amendments, bestiality laws & other major changes in law shakeup
Jun 29 2021 Share

In a recent press conference addressed by Justice Minister Edward Zammit Lewis and Minister for Social Justice Micael Falzon, certain amendments to Malta’s current laws with regards to sexual offences were proposed.

Aktar kmieni llum flimkien mal-kollega Ministru Michael Falzon ħabbart li fil-ġimgħat li ġejjien ser tidħol fis-seħħ…

Posted by Edward Zammit Lewis on Monday, 28 June 2021

During the conference, Zammit Lewis revealed the government’s proposal for extending the time-bar for sexual offences committed against minors to 20 years, which will also start from when the victim is 23 rather than 18 as it currently stands.

Other proposals for changes to the Criminal Code subsequent laws include making sexual acts between humans and animals illegal and punishable, amendments clarifying that people aged 16 or over may seek psychiatric treatment without parents’ or guardians’ consent as well as clarifying that non-consensual sex with an object is still considered rape, amongst others.


Malta Police Force welcomes fleet of 20 brand new SUVs for Rapid Intervention Unit

Malta Police Force welcomes fleet of 20 brand new SUVs for Rapid Intervention Unit
Jun 29 2021 Share

The Malta Police Force has welcomed another fleet of 20 brand new upgraded vehicles for the Rapid Intervention Unit within the Police Force through an investment of €900,000.

A Facebook post by The Malta Police Force revealed that they will get new SUV type vehicles which can withstand more rough terrain and as a result, provide faster response to less-accessible areas.

Malta daily Facebook 970x90

@maltapolice today inaugurated 20 new upgraded vehicles for the Rapid Intervention Unit with an investment of over…

Posted by The Malta Police Force on Monday, 28 June 2021

Security features include barrier shields and polycarbonate back seats, which are tailor-made modifications particularly designed for the Malta Police Force.

Police Commissioner Angelo Gafà revealed that this investment is being made to provide “a more professional service, while also ensure the wellbeing and safety of our officers.”


WATCH: Vaccine developer Dame Sarah Gilbert receives emotional standing ovation at Wimbledon

Vaccine developer Dame Sarah Gilbert receives emotional standing ovation at Wimbledon
Jun 29 2021 Share

One of the lead scientists who developed the Astra Zeneca COVID-19 vaccine was given an unexpected standing ovation during a Wimbledon tennis game.

University of Oxford’s Sarah Gilbert was involved in the research that led to the vaccine and while the spectators’ standing ovation was also addressed to health workers, the biggest round of applause was directed at Gilbert.

Earlier this month, the 58-year-old Professor Gilbert was also given the title of ‘Dame’ by Queen Elizabeth II.


Neil Agius & partner get engaged prior to world record attempt swim

Neil Agius & partner get engaged prior to world record attempt swim
Jun 29 2021 Share

In another heart-warming twist to Neil Agius’ story, prior to his expedition between Linosa and Malta, the activist was proposed to by his partner Lara, to which he said yes.

A social media post on Agius’ page stated called the beautiful moment ‘another layer of excitement to this already epic expedition’, shedding light on such a motivating moment for the endurance swimmer before his circa-55-hour swim.

Agius had originally planned to break the record for Longest Open Water Swim in a journey from Tunisia to Malta, but changed course due to weather conditions, where he will be going for roughly the same distance with his departure from Linosa.

You can track Neil’s journey here.
