‘Sending People To Jail For Abortion Unacceptable’, Says Cassola

'Sending People To Jail For Abortion Unacceptable', Says Cassola
May 6 2024 Share

Doctors For Choice Malta sent a letter to three MEP candidates – James Ryder, Mina Jack Tolu and Arnold Cassola – to ask their stance on abortion and sex education.

Both Ryder and Jack Tolu responded that they (and ADPD, in the case of Tolu), are in favour of decriminalising abortion.

‘I am in full support of it. We are long overdue when it comes to bodily autonomy, as well as women’s access to healthcare for their own bodies’, said Ryder.

Tolu answered the questions on behalf of the other ADPD candidates: Sandra, Rachelle and Ralph. The party extended their approval of sex education as well as ensuring free access to contraception.

On his part, Arnold Cassola said that while he believes that a foetus is a human life and should be protected, cases wherein a mother’s life and health are in danger, priority is to be given to safeguarding the mother.

Cassola did however say that sending people to jail in the case of abortion is not acceptable, whilst also supporting comprehensive sex education and setting up sexual health state clinics in all 13 districts of Malta.


Owen Leuellen & Faniello Siblings Bring Back “Sa L-Aħħar Nifs” For Dar Bjorn

Owen Leuellen & Faniello Siblings Bring Back "Sa L-Aħħar Nifs" For Dar Bjorn
May 6 2024 Share

Back in 1999, Fabrizio Faniello, a newcomer to the local music scene, won big with “Sa L-Aħħar” at the Festival Kanzunetta Maltija, a song that has stayed popular in Maltese singer’s lineup ever since.

Now, 25 years later, to mark this special anniversary, ALS Malta team decided to give this iconic track a fresh spin, using it for this year’s marathon in support of DAR Bjorn that will be aired on Sunday, 22nd September.

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The reintroduction of “Sa L-Aħħar Nifs” to the public will happen on Saturday, May 4th, during DAR Bjorn Żebbuġ’s first-anniversary celebrations. Bjorn himself explains: “We picked this song because it talks about giving love until your last breath for something you care deeply about.

For me, it’s about my wife Maria and our foundation helping hundreds of residents with neurological disorders.”

With a new arrangement by composer Philip Vella and his son Sean Vella, get ready for a fresh take on “Sa L-Aħħar Nifs,” now with a more modern feel and energy. Joining Fabrizio in this iconic song is his sister Claudia. The duo officially performed it on stage at Mużika Mużika in 2023.

In this new version, Owen Leuellen adds a new flavor to this iconic track. “When I heard Owen singing from his album, it gave me chills. I couldn’t believe that even after 25 years, we’re still listening to this song that brought me so much success. ‘Sa L-Aħħar Nifs’ now means even more to me as it will help us support DAR Bjorn,” says Fabrizio.

The music video for the song was filmed at DAR Bjorn Żebbuġ, with the trio performing it together for the first time during a special airing at DAR Bjorn Żebbuġ during the first year ceremony.

After its debut, the song is available on YouTube and various online music platforms for everyone to enjoy.


Claudette Buttigieg Stuns During Wedding Performance

May 6 2024 Share

Current member of Parliament and former Eurovision star Claudette Buttigieg has stunned many with her performance of her iconic hit ‘Desire’ during the wedding of Julian Micallef and former local tv actor Jean Pierre Cassar.

‘Desire’ was released way back in 2000 ahead of that year’s Eurovision. The song quickly became a major hit not only locally but internationally. Buttigieg managed to end up in 8th place of the 2000 Eurovision, to this day still one of Malta’s best result in the competition.

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Claudette Buttigieg is also known as an icon in the LGBTIQ+ community as she is a strong activist for their rights, so much so that her song ‘Desire’ was chosen as the official song for UK’s 2001 gay pride.

In the video not only are Buttigieg’s impressive vocals clear but also the festival-like atmosphere around her, which will remain as a long lasting memory in Julian’s and Jean Pierre’s marriage and life.


Malta’s Population To Grow To Over 811,000 By 2070

Malta's Population To Grow To Over 811,000 By 2070
May 6 2024 Share

Over the next fifty years, Malta is set to experience significant demographic shifts, characterized by healthier post-retirement years, an aging workforce, and an unprecedented population surge.

Projections from the finance ministry presented to the European Commission (and as reported by MaltaToday) anticipate the island’s population to reach nearly 811,000 by 2070, a staggering 53% increase from the present 527,000.

This growth will compound Malta’s status as one of the most densely populated places globally, with 1,666 individuals per square kilometer.

Concurrently, there will be a decline in the birth rate, leading to a smaller proportion of young people, while the elderly population, aged over 65, is expected to skyrocket to 33.6%.

Advancements in medicine will further contribute to longevity, with life expectancy for men projected to reach 87 and close to 91 for women by 2070.

Despite a decrease in net migration, the proportion of the elderly in the population will significantly increase, impacting the financial burden on the working-age population, which will decrease from 63.2% to 51.5% by 2070.

Meanwhile, Malta registered the third highest EU life expectancy at 83.6 in 2023. Malta follows Spain (84 years) and Italy (83.8 years). The lowest was registered in Bulgaria at 75.8 years.
