
Sea turtle rescued and being treated after swallowing fishing line

Aug 19 2022 Share

An injured loggerhead sea turtle has been rescued off the coast of Wied iż-Żurrieq after swallowing a fishing line.

Officials within the Environment & Resources Authority (ERA) were patrolling the coast when the alarm was raised by nearby swimmers. Despite choppy waters, the officers were able to conduct a successful mission, retrieving the female turtle and putting her in veterinary care.

The ERA advised the public to not attempt to remove any entanglement or cut fishing lines as they may further injure the sea creatures. When encountering such a case, they are advised to contact ERA on 2292 3500 or Wildlife Rescue Team Malta on 9999 9505.

Minister for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise Miriam Dalli. praised the swimmers, ERA and Nature Trust for their intervention, calling for further responsibility to keep our oceans clean.

Well done to ERA, Nature Trust & the nearby swimmers!


WATCH: ‘It’s not just Hamrun’; More street brawl footage emerges as citizens report further cases

WATCH: 'It's not just Hamrun'; More street brawl footage emerges as citizens report further cases
Aug 19 2022 Share

As Malta continues to endure its street brawl crisis, more and more citizens are publishing their own captures of altercations in Maltese streets, with many expressing concern at the current situation.


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The latest video to surface is a clip of five been beating an individual with rods of what is suspected to be wood in a Birzebbuga street, with a user highlighting that ‘what happened in Hamrun also happens in other villages’.

The men, who appear to be foreign, attack the other individual and take their brawl to the middle of the street, impeding cars from driving further.

A number of social media users expressed frustration at the fact that the men involved in this altercation, and a number of others, were foreigners, with some going as far as comparing Malta to Syria and others stating that they are scared to come out of their homes in fear of getting hurt.

What do you make of this situation?


Video Source: Lawrence Desira

Low cost activities to finish off Santa Marija week

Low cost activities to finish off Santa Marija week
Aug 19 2022 Share

Enjoy some crunchy Pastizzi from Serkin to kickstart your day 

Pastizzi are an icon of the islands, so sealing off your last festive day off with one of the scrumptious delicacies would be keeping true to all things Maltese. Of course, you’ll have to make the difficult decision of choosing between ricotta or pea pastizzi, but wherever your preferences lie, these savoury pastries are always a few steps away! 

Indulge in a refreshing Tony’s Ice Cream in your favourite spot 

Situated in scenic Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq, Tony’s Ice Cream is beloved by many Maltese driving to or from the area as they enjoy their day off, stopping for one of their deliciously crafted ice creams. With a whole slew of flavours to choose from, Tony’s Ice Cream is the perfect afternoon treat to enjoy before huddling up before the next week kicks off. 

Grab a traditional ‘ftira biz-zejt’ from any local Gabbana 

No one puts in as much love and passion into their ftajjar as do the several gabbani situated all across various localities in Malta. Their traditional ciabatta-reminiscent delicacy is a physical accumulation of Maltese culture, hitting a person’s taste buds with flavours that trigger cherished memories of days gone by.

Cool down by the beach with a granita from any ice cream truck.

Malta’s ice cream trucks are to granita what the gabbani are to their ftajjar – if ice-cream isn’t exactly up your alley, a cold granita on a hot summer’s day is a delightful way to freshen up after an excursion to one of Malta’s beaches. 

Attend a local village feast and bask in their glory. 

Malta’s summer is a period of time characterised by many locals passionate about their patron saints pooling their skills, talents and know-how to create the wondrous atmosphere we know as village feasts. The feasts are tour de force of Maltese culture – fireworks, qubbajd, ‘marċi ta’ filgħodu, catching up with old friends – and even just walking around and basking in all that goes into creating such a spectacle is enough. It also acknowledges the hard work the Maltese put into these gem of Maltese tradition. 


Marsaxlokk priest with fraud charges spent thousands on pornography, sources reveal

Marsaxlokk priest with fraud charges spent thousands on pornography, sources reveal
Aug 19 2022 Share

Marsaxlokk priest Luke Seguna, who is currently facing charges of fraud and money laundering, is reported to have spent close to €148,000 on pornography websites.

Sources close to the investigation told Times of Malta that the priest use large volumes of money on sites that provide live sex sex shows against a fee.

The court ruled that details of the sites will not be divulged following an interjection from defence lawyers José Herrera and Matthew Xuereb that such details were irrelevant to the merits of the case. It is believed that Seguna told investigators that he was facing a “sexual crisis” due to a major health problem during that time.

The 39-year-old parish priest is denying charges of misappropriating around €500,000, donated to him by 150 parishioners in 10 years. Seguna also faces charges of fraud, falsifying a public deed and using falsified documents.

What do you make of this?
