A US scientist has just named a newly discovered twisted-claw millipede after insanely popular Taylor Swift, in recognition of her talent as a songwriter and performer.
Researchers from the Virgina Tech published a study in the journal of ZooKeys which detail the ‘Nannaria swiftae’ alongside 17 other newly discovered species found in the Appalachian Mountains in Tennessee.

The twisted-claw part of the common name is a reference to the twisted claws on the legs of males. Dr Derek Hennen, the lead authority of the study, revealed the names of some of the species he and his team researched.
This new millipede species is Nannaria swiftae: I named it after @taylorswift13! I’m a big fan of her music, so I wanted to show my appreciation by naming this new species from Tennessee after her. A high honor! pic.twitter.com/fXml3xX5Vs
— Derek Hennen, Ph.D. (@derekhennen) April 15, 2022
Naming one of the new species after his wife, ‘nannaria marianae’, he went on to say that naming the millipede after the artists is a ‘high honour.’ In non-scientific jargon, the millipede is named ‘Swift Twisted-Claw Millipede.’
He went on to add that her music helped him get through the ‘highs and lows of graduate school, so naming a new millipede species after her is my way of saying thanks.’ The scientists had been researching the species for five years.
So far, the Nannaria swiftae has only been discovered in Tennessee, a state where the artist herself lived. This is not the first creature to be named after a beloved celebrity. A species of venomous snake was named after Metallica’s James Hetfield, called the ‘Atheris hetfieldi.’