A rather common weather phenomenon during spring, Saharan dust is most notably a nuisance for anyone with a car in Malta.
However, both government and scientific experts issue recommendations to people to stay inside when this weather pattern hits due to several health reasons.
Known as ‘xita tal-ħamrija’ in Maltese, the soil-laden rain leaves cars and rooftops covered in a dirty brown dust which can be harmful to peoples’ respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
A study which took place in Cyprus and Crete concerning Saharan dust found that children suffering from asthma who stayed indoors during such sandstorms experienced less impact on respiratory systems.
In Malta, this dust making its way from the massive desert, makes up around 15 to 20% of airborne particles. This comes with warnings for people to stay indoors when such weather is forecast.
Such weather patterns are unstoppable, so mitigation measures can only include staying inside, not exercising outdoors and having air purified. Malta had around 14 occurrences of such dust in 2021.