Russia begins distribution of COVID-19 vaccine

Dec 5 2020 Share

Clinics in Moscow have started delivering the COVID-19 to high-risk patients as Russia begins paving the way to a world without coronavirus. 

The vaccine being delivered is Russia’s own product by the name Sputnik V which is said to be 95% effective, despite ongoing clinical trials.

Mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin has stated that the first wave of vaccines is being given to school workers, health professionals and social workers in two separate doses, with thousands registering to be vaccinated.


Heavy winds expected tonight

Dec 5 2020 Share

If you have any COVID-safe and socially-distant outings planned for tonight, be ready as the Malta International Airport’s Meteorological Office expects heavy winds to hit the Maltese islands later tonight.

The South-Eastern winds are expected to be as high as gale force 6 as late as 9PM.

Malta daily Facebook 970x90


Corrupt Austrian ex-finance minister jailed for 8 years

Dec 5 2020 Share

Corrupt Austrian ex-finance minister Karl-Heinz Grasser was found guilty in Austrian court for counts of abuse of power and connection to €9.6 million of kickbacks in what is one Austria’s largest corruption cases since the 1940s. 

Otherwise known as the ‘jet-set minister’, Grasser was notorious for living a flamboyant, luxury lifestyle and was responsible for the sale of state-owned flats with kickbacks amounting to slightly less that €10 million.


Recycling to become mandatory for everyone, including businesses

Dec 5 2020 Share

Following the announcement of such plans during the 2021 Budget, Environment Minister Aaron Farrugia has announced a national, long-term strategy for waste management, which looks to make recycling mandatory for all including businesses.

The Minister has revealed that plans are being made to introduce fines for those who do not recycle, the amount of which is to be decided following public consultation. 

Other key plans include the government’s aid in collecting organic waste from commercial outlets, the introduction of a national waste-collection schedule and increased collection of organic waste, amongst other measures.
