Rupert Grint joined Instagram and his first post is of his baby girl

McDonald’s is launching a packaging “refresh” across the chain

Nov 11 2020 Share

In addition to the drive thru efficiency around the world and simplifying the menu, McDonald’s announced new packaging that will roll out to every restaurant in the next two years, for what it claims will be a consistent look, “so no matter where you are in the world, you can find the same packaging,” the company said in a press release.

“Simple, bold graphics that nod to our world famous menu items are combined with a playful wink to whatever tasty item is inside. Think melting cheese drips on a Quarter Pounder with Cheese box”


Today, Wednesday 11th November, we celebrate Remembrance Day

Nov 11 2020 Share

Armistice Day is celebrated on the 11th of November and is also known as the Day of Remembrance. It marks the end of World War I, 11 a.m. on the 11th day of the 11th month, 1918. A two-minute silence was held at 11 a.m. to honor the victims who died in battle. 

In Engand, “Today marks 100 years since the ‘Unknown Warrior’ was buried at Westminster Abbey to symbolise all the soldiers whose bodies never returned home.”


Instagram adds new tools that should be able to detect self-harm and suicide content and take it down immediately

Nov 11 2020 Share

The new update aims to properly identify harmful content and make it less apparent in the app. If the tools are sufficiently confident, the posts can be deleted entirely without actually looking at them by a human being, Instagram said.

This tool is also used on Facebook and Instagram outside the EU, where it requires additional layers that also see posts sent to human reviewers, who can then take more action, such as linking the poster to local aid groups and, in the most extreme situations, calling emergency services.
