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Rosianne Cutajar to resign from Parliamentary Secretary position “pending outcome of the process”

Feb 25 2021 Share

Parliamentary Secretary Rosianne Cutajar took to Facebook on Thursday to report that she has decided to offer her resignation from Parliamentary Secretary following recent events.

Fl-aħħar ġimgħat kont soġġetta għal diversi attakki inġusti, spins politiċi u kummenti qarrieqa. Mhux ħa nidħol…

Posted by Rosianne Cutajar on Thursday, 25 February 2021

Cutajar went on to reiterate that she has never done business with entrepreneur Yorgen Fenech, despite knowing him when he was accused in his involvement with the Caruana Galizia murder.

The politician stated that she has always acted with integrity and correctness and in the coming days she will be defending her name with utmost honesty and conviction.


30-year-old from Dar tal-Providenza is Malta’s youngest COVID-19 death

Feb 25 2021 Share

The youngest victim of the COVID-19 pandemic was announced to be Christine Said, a 30 year old who passed away on Wednesday 24th February 2021. Dar Tal-Providenza Siggiewi announced the news on Facebook with deep regret. Her funeral is to be held today 25th February at 2pm at Siggiewi Parish Church.

B’sogħba nħabbru l-mewt ta’ Christine Said residenta tad-Dar tal-Providenza li għaddiet għall-ħajja ta’ dejjem fl-età…

Posted by Dar Tal-Providenza Siggiewi on Thursday, 25 February 2021


Apart from Christine Said, another woman of 83 years passed away in the last 24 hours, with the two deaths bringing the pandemic toll up to 311. With vaccine administrations amounting up to 71, 562 also as of Wednesday, Malta has still seen 192 new cases in the last 24 hours, with 2, 508 still active.

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Summer Vibes? Temperatures in Malta to increase over the weekend

Feb 25 2021 Share

Malta’s weather has been on a roll in recent days and shows no signs of slowing down as the weekend’s weather forecast predicts sunnier weather with temperatures feeling as warm as 20°C.

While the report warns of clouds over the weekend, an increasing UV index along with warmer weather can mean only one thing: better days are on the horizon.

Whilst we can’t exclude a few more rainy days before we bust out the T-shirts and swimsuits, we are definitely ready for summer.


Official: Keith Demicoli resigns from TVM

Feb 25 2021 Share

The media scene is in shock after the surprising news that beloved Maltese media personality and journalist Keith Demicoli has resigned from PBS

Sources close to Malta Daily have confirmed that Demicoli officially submitted his letter of resignation to the PBS Board of Directors.

Demicoli has been in the national media scene since 2008 has solidified his name as one of Malta’s foremost media personalities.

Whatever the future holds for Demicoli, we wish him the best of luck in his future endeavours!
