
Romanian man sustains serious injuries after being hit by hammer in St. Julian’s attack

Jan 2 2021 Share

A 35-year-old man from Romania was rushed to Mater Dei after sustaining serious injuries from a hammer attack in St. Julian’s on Friday afternoon.

The Malta Police Force stated that the Romanian, along with a 45-year-old man from Colombia informed the police regarding an attack at approximately 3.15 in the afternoon.

It is also reported that another 35-year old-Maltese man approached the police soon after reporting an argument with two people.


Adrian Delia presents huge €500,000 donation at Dar tal-Providenza event

Jan 2 2021 Share

Former opposition leader and current Nationalist MP Adrian Delia dropped jaws on last night’s Dar Tal-Providenza fund-raiser as he presented a €500,000 donation cheque from Tunisian investment company, Catco Group Capital Investment.

Posted by Adrian Delia on Friday, 1 January 2021

Following the presentation of a €27,000 cheque from Delia and his team, he appeared only minutes later with the massive cheque of half a million euro, crediting Sliema Wanderers FC president Jeffrey Farrugia for introducing him to the opportunity.

Sliema Wanderers FC are proud to present our latest sponsor Catco Group.Catco Group will be one of our main sponsors…

Posted by Sliema Wanderers FC on Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Catco group are the current sponsors of Sliema Wanderers F.C. with chairman Fisal Abduallah Alokla having been appointed club chairman only recently and pledging that this donation will become a regular thing.

Għadni kif ħabbart donazzjoni ta' €500,000 b'risq id-Dar tal-Providenza mingħand Catco Group Capital Investment. Apparti minn hekk, ħabbart li dan il-grupp se jkun qiegħed jikkontribwixxi kull sena b'risq id-Dar tal-Providenza.Ilni għal dawn l-aħħar ġimgħat naħdem flimkien ma' dan il-grupp sabiex naraw kif nistgħu ngħinu dejjem aktar istituzzjonijiet bħad-Dar tal-Providenza sabiex ikomplu jagħmlu l-ġid fil-komunità tagħna.

Posted by Adrian Delia on Friday, 1 January 2021


GO secure four-year deal to further support the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation

Jan 2 2021 Share

Local telecommunications giant GO have just secured a four-year deal to continue to support the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation.

In addition to the whopping €70,000 donation to Istrina, GO continuously provides support in the form of funds and equipment to various organisations around the country such as the technology provided during Istrina.

Posted by GO on Monday, 21 December 2020

CEO Nikhil Patil reiterated the fact that GO’s feet are firmly planted within the Maltese community with Chief Operations Officer Ayrton Caruana shining a light on the brand new technology used during this year’s Istrina.


Dog saved from Mellieħa crack by Civil Protection in New Year’s miracle

Jan 2 2021 Share

“What could have been a New Year’s tragedy turned into a little miracle”, says Chanel Evans, owner of the dog who had quite literally been caught between a rock and a hard place.

In a thankful and heart-warming post on New Year’s Day, the dog owner took the time to thank Civil Protection Malta for their service in rescuing her dog after falling into a deep crack in Mellieħa.

Facebook comments flooded in with people thanking Civil Protection for their service in a deed which not only saved the precious pup’s life, but brought a tear to our eyes.
