In light of recent challenges from French MEPs with regards to her previous anti-abortion voting record, Nationalist MEP Roberta Metsola has notified other MEPs from major groups within the European Parliament that if she is elected president of the House, she will be representing the ‘majority voice’ on the current abortion issue.
Metsold told MaltaToday that as President of the Parliament, her duty is to represent the Parliament’s views, be it pro-choice or pro-life. Recently, French MEPs and members of the press persisted in their stance on the Maltese MEP’s track record on votes regarding gender equality and reproductive rights.
Eurodéputé écologiste, je ne voterai pas pour une représentante du PPE, situé à l’opposé de mes combats politiques sur le climat, le green-deal, les migrations, la démocratie et l’IVG. Il ne peut y avoir de négociations. #coherence #clartépolitique https://t.co/e5UK0kH4Re
— Damien CAREME
(@DamienCAREME) December 16, 2021
Back in June, Maltese MEPs together with fellow European members voted on the Matic report, which called for universal access to safe and legal abortion in the EU. Metsola, along with Nationalist MEP David Casa and Labour MEP Alex Agius voted against the report while Labour MEP Cyrus Engerer voted in favour and fellow Labour MEPs Alfred Sant and Josianne Cutajar abstained.