Robert Downey Jr earned over $435 million through MCU

Robert Downey Jr earned over $435 million through MCU
Mar 1 2023 Share

Robert Downey Jr’s salaries through the Marvel Cinematic Universe have brought him closer to his film character of Tony Stark as digits are revealed. 

The Marvel actor earned a massive amount during his time as Iron Man, but this did not start off as such. 

Marvel took a massive chance with Downey due to his substance addiction and a 180 day jail sentence, with his first film paying the actor $2.5 million. 

The first Iron Man film was even expected to flop, but instead it led to the creation of one of the biggest franchises of all time. For the first Avengers film, Downey would earn $50 million. 

He would later become the highest paid actor in Hollywood in 2013 after taking a big percentage of the film’s $1 billion box office profits. 

He made $75 million annually after the success of Iron Man 3 and then $33 million in 2016 as the face of the MCU. However, Downey earned a whopping $81 million as Spider-Man: Homecoming and Avengers: Infinity War sold cinema tickets. 

The actor’s base salary increase with Endgame rocketed to $20 million as well as another $55 million in ticket sales. This brings it up to around $435 million through the MCU. 


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Minor 0.1% rise in Malta’s unemployment rate for January 2023

Mar 1 2023 Share

According to new information released by the National Statistics Office, the unemployment rate for January 2023 stood at 3%.

This is up by 0.1% points when compared to December 2022, with the unemployment rate for males in January 2023 standing at 3.1%. 

Meanwhile, the rate for females stood at 2.9%. As per age groups, the unemployment rate during the same month for persons aged 15 to 24 was 9.6%. 

The rate for those aged between 25 and 74 years stood at 2.3%. The percentages boil down to 9,103 unemployed persons in January of this year. 


Adrian Delia thanks father following Vitals-Steward court ruling

Adrian Delia thanks father following Vitals-Steward court ruling
Mar 1 2023 Share

Former Nationalist Party leader Adrian Delia took to social media to thank his father for values he taught him as the court deemed him victorious over the Vitals-Steward case.

Delia posted a heartwarming photo of himself hugging his father, with the post captioned: 

‘Thank you for teaching me to not ever give up. Thank you for teaching me to never give up in the face of injustice. Thanks dad’. 

The photograph was taken in front of the Maltese parliament which, last Monday, saw Nationalist Party supporters meet to protest alongside Delia and current Opposition leader Bernard Grech. 


Bidnija Farm Revises Planning Use Application

Bidnija Farm Revises Planning Use Application
Mar 1 2023 Share

A planning application for additional uses to a Bidnija sheep farm has been revised to propose dedicating more space to the animals. The new application no longer requests to convert some of the space to a farmer’s quarters and two guest rooms that were intended for agritourism.

The revised application was filed by farmer Jason Vella, who comes from a farming family and is well-known in the industry for producing cheeselets. “We tried to do everything by the book and it backfired because people misinterpreted our intentions. This project was always intended as a sheep farm that creates fresh local produce” he said.

“We simply wanted to provide visitor access so guests could watch the process. In line with practices around the world, we proposed to add two guest rooms, in which case it would make sense to have the farmer sleep there too.”

“However, given the reaction from the public, we decided to scrap those plans and simply request visitor access. The rest of the space will be used to house more sheep,” Vella said, adding that there was never any intention to build more of the site or to extend any of the property.

There was never any attempt to change the use from farming to anything else. The goal was simply to add ancillary uses over and above the farming, to provide a more holistic experience to potential visitors. The farm, which was built in 2019 after obtaining planning permission, is already operational and hosts a number of sheep. 

This new planning application will allow the number of sheep hosted at the property to be tripled. Built to be 100% eco-friendly and self-sustainable, the farm gets its water needs from rainwater harvesting and its energy needs from solar panels, while using manure to fertilise the nearby fields.


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