In a significant move to enhance parental support, Prime Minister Robert Abela announced on Sunday the extension of state-funded paternity leave to self-employed fathers and second parents. This new legislation aims to ensure that all parents have access to crucial time off during the early stages of parenthood.
The announcement follows Abela’s recent pledge of 100 days of state-funded leave for self-employed parents undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment. This initiative reflects the government’s commitment to supporting families during important life transitions.

During his address in St. Paul’s Bay, Abela also hinted at upcoming amendments to IVF legislation, acknowledging that while important reforms have been made, certain restrictions still exist. He emphasized the need for changes to ensure that the law accommodates all couples seeking to start or expand their families.
These initiatives represent a progressive step in Malta’s family policy, aiming to create a more inclusive environment for parents and promote a healthier work-life balance.