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Restoring history and raising awareness of EU funding at Citadella

Mar 24 2023 Share

On Saturday 18th March, the European Parliament Liaison Office held the third in a series of the popular EU Heritage Tours at the Citadella in collaboration with the Cultural Heritage Directorate within the Ministry for Gozo. The aim of the event was to raise awareness on how EU funds are utilised, with emphasis on the vast restoration work accomplished at Citadel.

In her introductory speech, on behalf of EPLO Valletta, Elaine Cordina made reference to the together.eu platform, which is the European Parliament’s communication channel with the public at large and to support citizens’ ideas such as the Heritage Tours themselves.  She noted how the EU Heritage Tours had been one such idea of one young person and how this had today been transformed into one of the staple successful events of the Parliament in Malta.

MEP Josianne Cutajar followed with an address on the use  of EU funds but also on the geographical challenges of Islands, including those relating to health and travel. Dr. Cutajar thanked the individuals involved in the project for enhancing accessibility and inclusivity in the Citadel.

Mr. Stefan Cini, on behalf of the Cultural Directorate, then delivered a presentation on the situation of the Citadel in 2016, including chaotic traffic and abandoned ruins. The initial talks were then followed by two alternating tours offered in either English or Maltese.

The tours included a visit to the Citadella Visitors Centre, the Gun Powder magazine, Silos and WWII Shelters, with the assistance of Mr. Ryan Bajada from Wirt Ghawdex.

In 2011, the application for EU funding towards the much-needed restoration of the historical site was submitted, and the financing was approved in 2012. Between 2012 and 2014, the planning applications were submitted to MEPA. Moreover, works on site commenced in March 2014. The major components included the creation of a visitors centre and historic house, the restoration of facades and rehabilitation of ruins, the paving of paths, pjazza and streets and the installation of a door and floodlighting. Major renovations were also carried out in order to make Citadel more accessible, including the installation of lifts. Citadel has developed into a restored site, with a better understanding of the historical aspect and more accessible to the public and mobility impaired persons. The Citadella Natura 2000 site also ensures the protection of the flora and fauna that is endemic to the islands. Citadel aims to ensure an upkeeping of its panoramic views. Furthermore, the site was also a winner of the Regiostars Public Choice award in 2022.

The event, which was widely attended, was followed by a light and networking lunch.


Ta’ Frenċ Restaurant teaching dining etiquette to young students in Gozo

Ta' Frenċ Restaurant teaching dining etiquette to young students in Gozo
Mar 24 2023 Share

A firm believer in learning opportunities and table etiquette, Ta’ Frenċ Restaurant in Xagħra, Gozo welcomed a group of year 4 students for a two-day hands-on experience at their restaurant, potentially cultivating the hospitality giants of tomorrow.

Students from Gozo college Sir Arturo Mercieca Primary School Victoria were given to opportunity for a hands-on culinary experience unlike any other, receiving a presentation of on-table etiquette and proper behaviour together with a number of other exercises.

After the presentation, the students were presented with the opportunity to set the table themselves and put their learning into practice.

Day 2 saw the students carry out a cooking demonstration with the restaurant’s Executive chef, culminating with with a delicious lunch enjoyed by the students themselves.

Directors Thomas Curmi and Joseph Tabone stated that “Children should be exposed to the industry and benefit from experiences such as these by understanding the importance of table manners and etiquette, as this make the person who he or she really is. We are pleased that our local schools are looking beyond the academics and give their students an understanding of this industry with all the values that bring with it.”

Should schools make time for more exercises such as this?


Over 4,000 Nurses & Midwives go on flash strike; procedures cancelled as a result

Over 4,000 Nurses & Midwives go on flash strike; procedures cancelled as a result
Mar 24 2023 Share

Around 4,000 local nurses & midwives have gone on strike following directives issued by the Malta Union for Midwives and Nurses (MUMN).

The MUMN stated that “it is clear that the Ministry for Health (MFH) not only lacks respect towards nurses and midwives, but is determined to humiliate and demotivate the whole nursing and midwifery work force through this sectorial agreement.”

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The union stated that dirty tactics were being employed on the MUMN, with examples including government officials leaking high estimates of the union’s proposals to a leading newspaper to bring public opinion against the workforce.

Set to start today, 24th March, from 7am onwards, the directives were issued to nurses working in the E/A Department, various wards in Mater Dei hospital, the Primary Care Department ‘including bereg’, Karen Grech Hospital, the Gozo General Hospital, Elderly Homes, Mt. Carmel Hospital and more.

Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre Hospital is excluded from Industrial Directives pertaining to the New Sectoral Agreement.

The statement went on to say: “The Health Ministry has been always eager to issue a mandate in court when the nurses and midwives rightly feel they are being discriminated but then the Health Ministry NEVER took Steward Health Care to court even when it was evident that Steward was not abiding to any commitment. A Health Ministry which is a “bully” with those who are providing a sterling service with their patients but then a coward with whom was not providing any investment. Great Shame.”


Most Maltese felt calm, peaceful and happy in 2021, new survey suggests

Mar 24 2023 Share

A recently-published survey by the National Statistics Office suggests that in 2021, the majority of people living in private households felt they had good health and also reportedly felt calm and peaceful most of the time.

Seventy-three per cent of respondents perceived their general health as being good whilst 31 per cent reported suffering from chronic illness or a condition.

“On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 represents ‘not satisfied at all’, and 10 represents ‘completely satisfied’, respondents reported an average score of 8.6 with regard to their satisfaction with their personal relationships with family and friends”, the report stated. A mean job satisfaction score of 7.6 was reached and a mean life satisfaction score of 7.1 was also reported.

The lowest mean score was regarded people’s financial situation, standing at 6.8.

The survey also revealed that 42 per cent of respondents felt calm and peaceful whilst 49 per cent felt happy. Nervousness and agitation were sometimes experienced by 33 per cent of respondents.

On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 represents ‘not satisfied at all’, and 10 represents ‘completely satisfied’, respondents reported an average score of 8.6 with regard to their satisfaction with their personal relationships with family and friends. A mean score of 7.6 was reported with regard to their satisfaction with their current job, and a mean score of 7.1 was reported with regard to their satisfaction with their overall life.

The lowest mean score was reported with regard to respondents’ satisfaction with their financial situation, at 6.8.

Feelings of downheartedness and depression and feelings of loneliness were experienced none of the time by 52 per cent and 60 per cent of the respondents, respectively.
