Restaurants and snack bars to receive €1,000 grant after new restrictions

Mar 6 2021 Share

Following the recent national COVID-19 conference, it was announced that restaurants, kiosks and snack bars were to open only to offer take-away services, stirring some concern and uncertainty amongst establishments owners across Malta.

🇲🇹 Kull restorant u snackbar f’Malta u Għawdex ser jirċievu €1,000 minħabba l-għeluq tal-istabbilimenti tagħhom. Malta Tourism Authority

Posted by Clayton Bartolo on Friday, 5 March 2021

Yesterday, the Minister for Tourism & Consumer Protection Clayton Bartolo revealed that every restaurant and snack bar across Malta and Gozo will be receiving a €1,000 grant, as part of the government’s support scheme towards such establishments.

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In the meantime, bars and band clubs are to remain closed as COVID-19 cases in Malta have reached a concerning constant rate of daily cases.


Gozitan bishop requests forgiveness from those who suffered abuse

Mar 6 2021 Share

In his first discourse after the recent abuse allegations within the Gozitan diocese, Gozitan bishop Anton Teuma published a video together with the Diocese of Gozo asking for forgiveness from those who have suffered any kind of abuse from a Church official.

The bishop stated that these cases were met with anger, pain and appealed to the public to await the Court’s decisions and for those who encounter such abuse to report to the relevant authorities as soon as possible.

Mgr Teuma went on to echo The Pope’s sentiments regarding the fact that such abuse, or any kind whatsoever is tolerated, and more so in the church, going on to announce the launch of a helpline with the aim of safeguarding minors’ psychological state in the face of abuse.


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Amazon opens its first UK Fresh Grocery store

Mar 5 2021 Share

Amazon Fresh has just opened up to customers in the UK, where shopping happens with zero contact and purchasing without queuing at a till. With a simple scan of a QR code, high-tech cameras identify what has been purchased, to then charge the customers via an Amazon app on their phone.

Amazon calls this innovative technology a form of ‘Just Walk Out Technology’, with its first edition in the UK. The grocery offers everyday requirements, favourites, seasonal items and delicious ready-to-eat and ready-to-heat meals. Any receipts are later emailed to the customer via their Amazon account so as to avoid any queue.

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PlayStation 2 turns 21-years-old

Mar 5 2021 Share

On 4th March 2000, the world was introduced to PlayStation 2. The console was first sold in Japan and saw the longest life-span of any console. Many saw it as the defining console of what is known as the sixth generation of gaming, which itself saw much innovation in gaming. North America saw the arrival of the console on 26th October, with Europe following in the next month.

The console catalogued over 3,800 games – with iconic revolutionary games such as God of War, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, Kingdom Hearts among many others. It also gave opportunities to people who did not identify as gamers to play through games like Guitar Hero.


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