The new measures introduced on the 17th of January 2022 were met with considerable criticism by many individuals and groups. Among them, a leading Gozitan entrepreneur and a gym took to social media to announce their defiance of the new measures.Anthony Scicluna, owner of Cafe’ Jubilee called the new measures ‘tyranny at its best’, outlining several issues he has with the new restrictions on a Facebook post.
In it, he details how as an established restauranteur, he deems the Green Covid Pass is ‘more about a control exercise rather than about positive health/business measures’ and ‘another stab in the back.’ Scicluna outlined his views, beginning by stating that the fact that the vaccine certificates can be verified only via digital means implies that people in possession of a booster vaccination card cannot be allowed entry. He also asked what happens to elder citizens who cannot access the digital certificate on the phone.
He went on to ask further questions about what happens to those who just took their booster (having to wait 13 days before they can dine), and what happens to unvaccinated people who cannot enter restaurants. He emphasised how ‘The CovPassMalta app is available only on an android phone. So what happens for those who do not have an extra phone around? Or what if I do not have an android phone at all? Am I forced to buy one in all my establishments? […] if I am doing the Health Authority’s own job, shouldn’t the Health Authority provide us with the proper equipment to do their job?’
He also spoke about the time-consumption which would result from staff being responsible for verifying the digital green passes but also the presentation of an ID card for each customer. To the ‘detriment of the whole restaurant experience, we are now being forced to do the authority’s job instead. We have, all of a sudden, become civil servants. After 2 years of battling with near-financial bankruptcy, will the government be compensating us restauranteurs now for the extra manpower involved in administering the Health Authority’s job?’
Apart from Scicluna, M&P fitness also took to social media to announce that they will be hosting group sessions where no vaccine certification is required. ‘Well done to the ‘so called’ experts for failing to recognise the importance of Health and Fitness for everybody regardless of their vaccine status. We will not forget those who choose to remain unvaccinated or those who have chosen not to take the booster. We fully support everybody’s individual choices’ a post read.