The Minister for Social and Affordable Housing, Roderick Galdes, has announced the implementation of the 2025 Budget measure related to the Rent Benefit. During a press conference, Minister Galdes emphasised that starting this year, the maximum annual income threshold for all categories under the Rent Benefit scheme has been increased by €1,000.
“This is a strong measure through which we stand side by side with our families. As a Government, we have pledged to support our families, including in terms of rent payments, and we are making this commitment clear by strengthening the Rent Benefit. This is one of the key measures we have implemented in recent years, benefiting around 3,100 families. This translates into an investment of approximately €11 million per year, aimed at assisting those in need with their rent payments. What does this mean? It means that through this rent benefit, we are leaving €10.7 million in people’s pockets,” stated the Minister.
The Minister noted that the latest official statistics show that 85% of Maltese citizens own their own homes. “Despite this, we are aware that there are individuals who, due to social and economic realities, need assistance to rent their residences. This benefit is a testament to the Government’s policy—not only do we not turn a blind eye to these realities, but we stand shoulder to shoulder with these individuals. In fact, on average, the Government provides financial assistance amounting to €3,500 per year to each person benefiting from this scheme,” Minister Galdes added.
The Minister outlined the different categories of individuals benefiting from this scheme and the assistance they receive:
- A person living alone with an annual income of up to €21,635 is entitled to a benefit of up to €4,200 per year.
- A single parent with two or more children, with an annual income of up to €26,216, can receive a maximum benefit of €6,000 per year.
- A couple with two or more children, with an annual income of up to €34,635, is also entitled to a maximum benefit of €6,000 per year.
“These are important measures in the field of affordable housing, all of which contribute to a significant improvement in residents’ quality of life—an issue that is very close to our hearts,” concluded the Minister.
The Chief Executive Officer of the Housing Authority, Matthew Zerafa, explained that “through its Customer-Centric Approach, the Authority places the realities and aspirations of the families it serves at the heart of all its operations.”