Renowned English chef and TV presenter Ainsley Harriott took to social media to share his new series ‘Ainsley’s Taste of Malta’.
The chef will be exploring the island for the best tastes and cuisines, starting off in the ‘beautiful ancient city of Mdina’.
‘After a quick tour I do a spot of cooking in the grounds of a restaurant with an impressive history and view. A Maltese cookery legend, Pippa, shows me how to make the local dip bigilla and I get a masterclass from chef Carl in making ftira.’
‘Great food, stunning views and wonderful people – what more could you ask for? Perhaps some flaky pastry pastizzi and a sweet ricotta filled doughnut? You won’t be disappointed!’
The episode will stream today on ITV at 2pm, and will broadcast the island’s delicacies and historic beauty to thousands of fans.
Aisnley has already explored Marsaxlokk and the capital city of Valletta, revelling in the many taste bud stimulating foods the island has to offer.