Red Bull features Malta in ‘How it feels to run an entire country in a day’

Red Bull features Malta in 'How it feels to run an entire country in a day'
May 6 2023 Share

Malta’s natural beauty is something which simply cannot be argued, and global energy drink giant Red Bull seem to agree, featuring the island on their Tiktok page.

Ever the adrenaline junkies, Red Bull seem to have recruited some of their ultra-runners for the ‘one country in one single day challenge’, posted on their 8.6 million followers-strong TikTok page.

The runners taking part in the challenge admired the island’s sights as they ran a solid 52 kilometres in total, having to discover the best route to cross the country.

Another video showed them scaling the highest point of the island and climbing extremely rocky terrain, a superhero feat if we ever did see one.

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The 3 hour 15 minute challenge was done to raise awareness for Red Bull’s ‘Wings of Life’ on 7th May, a race with no finish line where 100% of entry fees go towards spinal cord research.


COVID-19 no longer a world health emergency, WHO says

May 6 2023 Share

The World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that after 3 years and an estimated 6.9 million deaths around the globe, that it no longer considers COVID-19 as a global emergency.

The decision was taken on May 4, with WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus telling press that the pandemic killed “at least 20 million people”, just over triple the officially-recorded number of deaths.

Despite the decision, Tedros warned that this does not mean the danger is over, continuing to appeal for caution and vigilance if the emergency status were to change.

“The worst thing any country could do now is to use this news as a reason to let down its guard, to dismantle the systems it has built, or to send the message to its people that COVID-19 is nothing to worry about,” the WHO boss stated.

In light of this news, Malta’s health minister Chris Fearne took the opportunity to share his thoughts and sentiments with the 835 persons who lost their lives in Malta “and the thousands of healthcare workers who worked tirelessly to protect our health.”


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Malta reacts to Mosta’s new ‘Red Velvet Roundabout’

May 6 2023 Share

As is expected of our vocal island community, reactions are running rampant on the new red roundabout installed in Mosta’s Triq il-Kbira and while some were tame, others didn’t hold back.

Most of the online comments were targeted towards the roundabout’s bright red colour and candle-like bollards, likening the traffic solution to a red velvet cupcake amongst other analogies.

One online commenter jokingly called the roundabout a ‘training ground for Archery’ for the upcoming Small States of Europe games while another considered it a good solution for the Mosta junction.

The consequences or results of the roundabout remain to be seen as of yet but one thing is for sure, if Maltese people don’t like something, they will surely tell you.

What do you think of the roundabout?


Brillanti semifinalists recreate cinematic scenes

Brillanti semifinalists recreate cinematic scenes
May 6 2023 Share

For this semifinal round of Brillanti Dance, we saw competitors take on various movie soundtracks and recreate scenes, themes or their personal relationship to the film which brought us the track.

Some went the entertaining route, bringing us everything from the glistening world of Mamma Mia (Elisa) to the roughness of 8 Mile (Chloe and Miguel) and the hectic hustle and bustle of Wolf of WallStreet (Juliana and Mishelle).

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Others played on movie intensity and we got to see a recreation of Joker’s bathroom scene (Nicole), a voyage to the dunes of Arrakis (Ben) or the mind-boggling realms of Inception (Cheryl).

And there was not shortage of bedazzlement either as the judges were transported to the worlds of Fame (Rafael), Cabaret (Kim) and Moulin Rogue (Julia). 

And last but not least, some semifinalists gave us their personal relationship to the track, with Bond’s ‘No Time to Die’ (Federica) and an Italian classic ‘Cinema Paradiso’ (Rosario). 


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And as with every week, the elimination saw Kim Ellul going home after a dance-off against Julia Vella Rosso, with the latter having to battle it out for the second time at the bottom two. 

What challenge will judges Attila, Brenda and Patrick give our semifinalists next? And which one was your favourite? 
