Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri said that a record number of irregular migrants living in Malta were repatriated in 2021.
Responding to a parliamentary question tabled by MP Beppe Fenech Adami, the Minister revealed that a total of 448 irregular migrants were repatriated, 40 of whom did so voluntarily.
That means that over 400 people were forcibly returned to their home country. Camilleri praised the work being done by the Police and the Returns Unit to repatriate people to their home countries. No details were however given on which countries the people were repatriated to.
Roughly 90% of all repatriations were male. The Minister also gave some insight into the costs behind repatriation.
He revealed that for the first nine months of the year, the government spent €554,800.80 to help return people to their home country. Around €393,477.22 came from EU funds, whereas €161,323.58 came from public coiffeurs.