
Rare video of dolphin pod swimming near Manoel Island

Rare video of dolphin pod swimming near Manoel Island
May 2 2021 Share

A video making rounds on Facebook posted by Kenneth Darmanin shows what seems to be a small pod of dolphins swimming close to Manoel Island. Despite not being a rare sight the further out you go in Maltese waters, dolphins swimming so close to the island have become quite a rare sight over the years. Sightings have increased however, with many suspecting that the reduction in marine traffic due to the COVID-19 played an important part.

Dolphins 🐬 at Manoel Island

Posted by Kenneth Darmanin on Saturday, 1 May 2021

It seems as though, from the videographer’s comments, there were around three dolphins. Last month also saw the rare sighting of a Finn whale, and the dolphins seem to have heralded a new month ahead. Recent reports have stated that an estimate of 79 to 224 bottlenose dolphins make Maltese waters their habitat.


Photo Source: Kenneth Darmanin FB

Haley Bugeja hits the ten goal mark in Italian Serie A with her second goal against Verona

Haley Bugeja hits the ten goal mark in Italian Serie A with her second goal against Verona
May 2 2021 Share

Haley Bugeja continues to make international strides as she scores not only her tenth goal in the Italian Serie A, but also her second goal against Verona. The Maltese international player who has joined forces with Sassuolo has been making news headlines week after week as her determination and skill on the football pitch are something to behold

At just 16-years-old, Bugeja has consistently made her mark during matches. Her ninth goal opened the score for Sassuolo in their most recent match against Verona. But it did not stop there as Bugeja scored a fascinating tenth goal, showing exactly why she is making her mark in International young women’s football.

Full highlights of the match:



Photo Source: bugeja_haley7 IG

A joyful return to the club scene in Liverpool

A joyful return to the club scene in Liverpool
May 2 2021 Share

The pandemic has shut down clubbing and partying for large groups of people for over a year. But Liverpool has just had a return to the club scene as 3000 people with negative COVID-19 test results attended an event on Friday as part of the government’s pilot to test out mass events. Social distancing and masks were not present as attendees expressed both their excitement and dismay at what was happening.

Several clubbers told BBC that ‘the main feeling within the crowd was that we feel so privileged to actually have been here.’ Some even went on to say ‘it was like coronavirus never happened. ‘It’s given me hope for the future.’ Scientists will be using data on crowd movements and air quality to see whether the mass gathering will yield a COVID-19 case increase, with anyone found to be positive within five days being contacted to self isolate.

Malta daily Facebook 970x90


15 COVID-19 cases registered overnight with 74 recoveries

15 COVID-19 cases registered overnight with 74 recoveries
May 1 2021 Share

Malta has registered 15 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours from 1,781 swab tests, while 74 patients have recovered. This information was announced by the official Facebook page of Malta’s Ministry for Health.

As of Friday 30th April 2021, 335,848 vaccine doses were administered of which 107,038 were 2nd doses.

To date, Malta has registered 30,307 COVID-19 cases in total, of which: 29,622 have recovered, 415 died and 270 are still active.
