Randolph Debattista Addresses EU Council On LGBTIQ+ Rights

Randolph Debattista Addresses EU Council On LGBTIQ+ Rights
Apr 19 2024 Share

Speaking at the Plenary of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly in Strasbourg for the first time, Maltese Labour MP Randolph Debattista outlined various instances around the world wherein LGBTIQ+ people are being targeted for who they are.

Proudly wearing a rainbow bracelet, Randolph asked the council how hatred is allowed to win over a message of love and hope.

‘As we speak, there’s a Bill before the Parliament of Georgia which bans gender affirmation for trans people. It bans adoption for same sex couples and bans LGBTIQ+ people from gathering in the streets’.

Apart from public attacks and posters against individuals from civil society, Russia too, Randolph said, is making it so that someone like him is considered a terrorist.

‘Yes I am a fighter against bigotry. And this #rainbow band is my weapon! I wear this because I’m privileged. I wear it for those who cannot wear it.’

He went on to urge the dismantling of barriers that stand in the way of equality and the challenging of the status quo.


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Kristen Abela Wins Brillanti Musicals

Kristen Abela Wins Brillanti Musicals
Apr 19 2024 Share

We have a winner!

Kristen Abela has officially been crowned as the winner of season 3 Brillanti Musicals after a series of spectacular performances at the Manoel Theatre – and throughout the competition!

Kristen rose to the top with her constant delivery and artistry, with Clara Sciberras taking second place and Paolo Micallef placing third.

But there was another winner on final night, and that was the iconic Keira Farrugia, who won the Best Promising Performer Award.

Congratulations to Kristen and all the contestants throughout the competition! And now we await the next season to see who will take the next title of Brillanti!


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Minister Ian Borg’s Key Takeaways For Middle-East De-Escalation

Minister Ian Borg's Key Takeaways For Middle-East De-Escalation
Apr 19 2024 Share

Taking to social media, Foreign Minister highlighted the 11 key takeaways from his statement during the United Nations Security Council in regards to de-escalation in the Middle East.

Here are the key takeaways:

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1. “Rather than seeking to blame this or that party, we must work together to avoid a full-scale conflict in this region.”

2. “Steps to promote immediate de-escalation are of paramount importance.”

3. “The disregard of the #UNSC‘s repeated demands for a ceasefire is deeply worrying.”

4. “Malta continues to condemn all acts of violence and aggression in the region.”

5. “We condemn the killing and abduction of more than 1,450 Israelis on 7 October and the killing of 33,200 Palestinians in the ensuing reprisal.”

6. “Denial of humanitarian assistance and use of starvation as a weapon of war are grave international law violations.”

7. “The safety of UN personnel, humanitarians and journalists must be guaranteed by all parties, and the international community must support all efforts in this direction.”

8. “We welcome ongoing efforts to revitalise the Palestinian Authority.”

9. “A just resolution of this conflict must embrace the Palestinians’ aspirations for UN membership and Statehood.”

10. “Such solution must also ensure the safety security of Israelis, without the threat of terrorism.”

11. “Malta remains committed to support a two-state Solution on pre-1967 borders, with Jerusalem as the future Capital of two states, living side-by-side in peace.”

This comes as the United States blocks the United Nations Security Council resolution that would have recognised a Palestinian state. The UK and Switzerland abstained from the vote as 12 members of the council voted in favour.


Children Call For Climate Change Action

Apr 18 2024 Share

In a stirring call to action, MP Eve Borg Bonello spearheaded a climate change conference in Malta’s Parliament today.

Titled ‘Ġenerazzjoni Klima,’ the event brought together a diverse array of voices, including activists, scientists, and perhaps most poignantly, children, to candidly discuss and confront the pressing issue of climate change.

The inclusion of children in the discussion was not merely symbolic but a testament to the urgency of the climate crisis.

Martina, a nine-year-old student from St. Monica School Gzira, encapsulated the sentiment of many young attendees when she expressed her desire to grow up in a country that prioritizes her well-being.

Similarly, sixteen-year-old Andre from the Malta Foundation for Wellbeing in Society voiced his frustration with the concrete jungle that Malta has become, echoing the sentiments of many youth who yearn for a greener, more sustainable future.

Key themes that emerged from the discussion included the urgent need for efficient public transport infrastructure, a transition to renewable energy sources, and the imperative of adopting a holistic approach to climate change mitigation and adaptation. Scientists presented sobering heatmaps depicting the areas of Malta most at risk, underscoring the stark reality that not enough is being done to safeguard the nation against this existential threat.

One of the most poignant moments came when children lamented the sight of more tower cranes than trees, highlighting the rampant development that has come at the expense of Malta’s natural environment. The Leader of the Opposition echoed these concerns, drawing attention to the phenomenon of greenwashing and emphasizing the need for genuine, substantive action.
