
Ramiro Mallia’s family donate €1311 to Puttinu Cares

Ramiro Mallia’s family donate €1311 to Puttinu Cares
Apr 6 2021 Share

Despite having just experienced such a tragic passing of the beloved Ramiro Mallia, his family has decided to donate to Puttinu Cares a donation of €1311. The NGO posted on Facebook thanking the family for their kind gesture as the family seeks to aid other families who are experiencing the same as they had when Ramiro had to undergo treatment.

Minkejja ghaddew mill-aghar esperjenza li familja tista tghaddi minnha, il-familja ta Ramiro Mallia gew jipprezentaw donazzjoni ta €1311. Nitolbu hafna ghalikom halli issibu l-farag

Posted by Puttinu Cares on Tuesday, 6 April 2021

Ramiro Mallia’s family donate €1311 to Puttinu Cares

Ramiro’s passing shocked all of Malta after having died due to a gas leakage from a heater. He was renowned for constantly donating and supporting Puttinu after having survived cancer at a very young age. We send our condolences to the family and applaud their contribution to Puttinu.


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MTA shuts down rumours of plans for “large commercial parties”

MTA shuts down rumours of plans for "large commercial parties"
Apr 6 2021 Share

The Malta Tourism Authority has released a statement with reference to the statement issued by the Medical Association of Malta which is being reportedly spread around on media outlets. The MTA ‘categorically denies that it is presently planning any large commercial parties.’ The MTA added that despite working tirelessly to have the tourism sector operating in a gradual matter, health and safety should be a priority.

The safety of both tourists and those working in the tourism industry are to be held at the utmost priority, stated the MTA. They concluded that the recovery plan for the tourism sector is being presented in a responsible manner and is putting a special emphasis on sustainable tourism.


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Sports associations join forces to demand gradual return of competitive sports

Sports associations join forces to demand gradual return of competitive sports
Apr 6 2021 Share

The Aquatic Sports Association of Malta, the Malta Basketball Association and the Malta Football Association have joined forces to appeal to allow the gradual return of competitive sports next week when the semi-lockdown ends. The three sporting associations have stated that lifting the prohibition on sports is crucial for teams and athletes to resume the required training and to avoid injuries.

Joint Statement by the Aquatic Sports Association of Malta,the Malta Basketball Association, and the Malta Football AssociationResume competitive sport responsibly

Posted by Aquatic Sports Association of Malta on Monday, 5 April 2021

MFA President Bjorn Vassallo stated that Malta ‘is the only country where all sport, including the elite level, has been stopped.’ ASA President Joe Caurana Curran added that athletes must be able to practice whilst following all the necessary precautions. In a joint statement, the organisations claimed that ‘sport should not suffer once more, especially when the associations involved have proved that it can be practiced in a safe way.’


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Whale spotted off the coast of Gozo

Whale spotted off the coast of Gozo
Apr 6 2021 Share

A video was posted on Facebook by Melania Bajada showing what seems to be a whale swimming off the coast of Munxar Gozo. It shows the sea mammal surfacing to breathe twice but according to Bajada there were more than one whale seen from Sanap Cliffs. The whale was identified as a fin whale.

Spotted from Sanap Cliffs 🐳 Yasmeen Bajada

Posted by Melania Bajada on Monday, 5 April 2021

A close up photo of the whale was taken later by Benjamin Grech off Ta’ Cenc, Gozo and posted to Facebook. He exclaimed how incredible it was to hear it blow, comparing it like thunder resonating through the air.
