
Rainbows in Valletta as Malta Pride March 2024 Sees Strong Turnout

Sep 15 2024 Share

Yesterday, Malta Pride painted the town in vibrant colours as thousands gathered for the Malta Pride March 2024 in Valletta, organised by Malta Pride and Allied Rainbow Communities (ARC).

The march, a highlight of the annual Malta Pride festivities, kicked off at the iconic Triton Fountain at 6:00 PM with an inspiring opening ceremony that set the tone for an evening of celebration, unity, and advocacy.

The parade made its way through the bustling streets of Valletta, with participants proudly waving rainbow flags, holding banners, and dancing to music from colourful floats. DJs kept the energy high as the procession moved towards the historic St. George’s Square, where the festivities culminated in a spectacular concert.

The march celebrated 20 years of Malta Pride, marking two decades of progress in the fight for equality and inclusion for the LGBTIQ+ community.


Bjorn Formosa Praises Parents for Lifelong Support Ahead of Fundraiser

Sep 15 2024 Share

ALS activist Bjorn Formosa took to social media to express his gratitude towards his parents for their unwavering support ahead of the ‘Sal-Aħħar Nifs’ fundraiser on Sunday, 22nd September.

In his heartfelt post, Formosa shared a touching tribute to his mother and father, who have stood by his side throughout his battle with ALS. He also praised his wife, Maria, for her constant support and involvement in his mission.

Formosa wrote, “These are my parents. Along with Maria, they have always given me tremendous support. Thank you so much, mom and dad!” He went on to shed light on the upcoming fundraiser, which aims to raise funds for DAR Bjorn Respite, a home that will provide much-needed support to the families of patients suffering from ALS and other neurodegenerative diseases.

Bjorn emphasised the dedication of his parents, Maria, and the many volunteers who will be working tirelessly to make the event a success.


Justin Timberlake Pleads Guilty to Drunk Driving Case

Sep 15 2024 Share

Justin Timberlake has pleaded guilty to a reduced charge in his recent drunk driving case in Sag Harbor, New York. Originally facing a misdemeanour charge of driving while intoxicated (DWI), Timberlake’s charge was downgraded to “driving while ability impaired” (DWAI). As a result, the singer was fined $500 and ordered to complete community service.

The case stems from an incident in June when Timberlake was pulled over for erratic driving and failing to stop at a stop sign. The arresting officer reported Timberlake had bloodshot eyes and failed a field sobriety test. While his attorney denied that Timberlake was intoxicated, a DWI charge typically involves a blood alcohol level of .08 or higher, while a DWAI reflects a BAC of .05 to .07.

Following the court’s decision, Timberlake made a public safety announcement, urging people not to drive after drinking. “Even if you had one drink, don’t get behind the wheel,” he stated, adding that there are many alternatives, such as taxis and ride-sharing services.

However, many fans expressed disappointment on social media, accusing Timberlake of receiving leniency due to his celebrity status, with some calling the sentence too light and criticising the privilege afforded to him.


Ian Borg and Alex Agius Saliba Confirmed Vice Presidents During Labour General Conference

Sep 15 2024 Share

Ian Borg and Alex Agius Saliba have been confirmed as Deputy Leader for Parliamentary Affairs and Deputy Leader for Party Affairs, respectively. Their nominations were submitted during the recent Labour Party elections held over the weekend, where party delegates cast their votes.

A total of 757 votes were registered, with 721 votes counted, representing a 95.24% turnout. Ian Borg secured 95.8% of the vote for Deputy Leader for Parliamentary Affairs, while Alex Agius Saliba gained 92.3% of the vote for Deputy Leader for Party Affairs.

In addition to these key roles, Labour Party delegates voted on new appointments to the party’s administration. Alex Sciberras was elected President, while John Grech was appointed International Secretary. Louis Gatt and William Lewis were automatically confirmed as Vice President and Organisational Secretary, respectively, since they ran unopposed.

Delegates also selected twelve members for the Labour Party Executive, including Mariella Abela, Ray Azzopardi, George Azzopardi, and others.

The General Conference will conclude on Sunday with a speech by Prime Minister and Labour Party Leader, Robert Abela, at the National Labour Centre.
