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Rabbit legs spread over pavement in Zebbug

Rabbit legs spread over pavement in Zebbug
Apr 30 2021 Share

Animal Liberation Malta posted to Facebook gut-wrenching images of cut off rabbit legs strewn all over a pavement next to St Dorothy’s school in Zebbug. The act was described by the non-profit organisation as absolutely despicable. This is not the first time cut off animal parts were found laying around as, just a few days ago, ears of various animals were found carelessly thrown away.

The group went on to say; ‘A nation of ‘animal lovers’ who willingly pay for over 500,000 rabbits to be murdered on this island annually, with the evidence literally ALL around… SHAME!’. The direct origins of these legs is currently unknown but the act itself roused up all sort of criticism and angry reactions on social media platforms.


Photo Source: Animal Liberation Malta FB

90-year-old nun grievously injured in ambulance collision

90-year-old nun grievously injured in ambulance collision
Apr 30 2021 Share

A nun, 90, suffered grievously after the ambulance she was in was involved in a traffic accident with a construction truck. The incident reportedly happened around 3 p.m when both vehicles collided in Great Siege Road. The ambulance was driven by an Irish man, 45, from Munxar, Gozo and the truck was driven by man from Birkirkara, 41.

The nun, a resident from Valletta, was treated by paramedics and taken into another ambulance which convened on the scene immediately. The ambulance involved in the incident sustained severe damage as one of the side doors was dislodged upon impact. Investigations are still ongoing.


Photo Source: tvm.com.mt

JAY celebrates 2 years of innovative fashion design

Apr 30 2021 Share

JAY, the iconic brand designed by the immensely talented fashion designer Jayden Curmi, has just turned two years old. Making his debut back in 2019 with his first design called ‘Blue Storm’, Jay has gone on to create an exquisite brand and receiving immense praise for work on Malta Fashion Week.



Jay not only made strides in the local industry but also overseas as his designs, especially his expert application of tulle, caught the attention of many. And it seems as though Jay has just started with his innovations as he continues to create and produce fresh designs as his brand soars higher and higher. Here’s to two more years and more!




Photo Source: Jayden Curmi FB

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The end of an era: Keith Demicoli’s last day as a journalist

The end of an era: Keith Demicoli's last day as a journalist
Apr 30 2021 Share

Today’s is Keith Demicoli’s last day as a journalist with Television Malta, marking the end of illustrious career in the Maltese media scene for one of the most beloved and recognisable personalities on the island. Demicoli had handed in his resignation letter to Public Broadcasting Services last February after a 13-year journey with the national broadcaster.

Għadni niftakar kif qrib San Valentinu tal-2008, l-ex Prim Ministru Dom Mintoff kien ċempel fil-kamra tal-aħbarijiet ta'…

Posted by Keith Demicoli on Thursday, 25 February 2021

39-year-old Demicoli will be taking on the role of Head of Communications and Brand Development at the Malta Chamber and had stated that leaving TVM was one of the most heart-wrenching decisions of his life, while looking forward to join a reputable and non-partisan organisation such as the the Malta Chamber.

While today marks the end of an era for a giant in Malta’s media industry, we wish the best of luck to Demicoli in all his future endeavours.

Meets: Keith Demicoli.

In this episode of ‘Meets’, we had the opportunity to chat with iconic Maltese journalist and newscaster Keith Demicoli. Keith Demicoili’s 13-year journey with Television Malta has just come to an end and now we get the honour of listening to his experiences in hindsight as one of Malta’s best journalists. #MaltaDaily #MaltaDailyMeets

Posted by Malta Daily on Friday, 30 April 2021


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